Page 39 of Playworld
“Are there letters on them?”
“It’s hard to make them out.”
“What about the street sign?”
“It says…Fourteenth Street.”
“And I see a phone booth. With someone in it.”
“Mister, are you there?”
“Jesus Christ.”
“Mister, is that bad?”
“Holy Jesus Lord.”
“Please, mister, you’re really scaring me.”
“You’re—you’re right here.”
“Here. Where I am. I’m on your block. I’m waving now. Can you see me waving?”
“Is that you, mister? In the phone booth?”
“It’s me. Which way are you?”
“The other way.”
“What do you mean?”
“Your back is to me.”
“Am I facing you now?”
“I see your building.”
“You do?”
“I’m going to point toward you, okay? I’m going to raise my arm toward you, and when I’m pointing right at you say stop, okay?”
“Stop now?”
“Keep going.”
“Stop now?”