Page 105 of Devoted Enough
“Get out of here, Haven!” Nate called as he kicked the gun away and pulled my father’s hands behind his back.
“No! I’m not leaving. You need something to tie up his hands.”
Turning to run out of the room, I nearly ran into the police officer who was rushing into the room. I stumbled back, and he reached out to steady me. Two other officers were behind him.
“We’ve got him, sir,” the one said to Nate as he pulled out handcuffs and put them on my father.
Nate looked like he didn’t want to let go, but he eventually stood and took a few steps back. He turned, and when our eyes met, he quickly made his way over to me. Drawing me in, he held me close to him.
“Are you okay?”
I held onto him tighter. “Yes, I’m okay. I’m fine.”
He gently pushed me back some and studied me from head to toe.
“I’m okay, Nate. Just a little rattled.”
“Thank God you didn’t come here alone. When I heard you scream, I nearly killed myself getting up here. Then I heard your father talking.”
“Did you call 911?”
He nodded. “I did. The second I heard him, I called.”
Closing my eyes, I let out a shaky breath. “That could have gone a completely different way.”
Nate framed my face with his hands. “But it didn’t. You’re safe, and I swear to God, he will never hurt you or get near you again. I’ll make sure of that.”
“I need to call my mother and make sure she’s okay. It sounds like he was looking for one of us between our places.”
Frowning, Nate asked, “You don’t know where she is?”
I shrugged. “I don’t. I assumed she was home, but I panicked when he said she hadn’t been home for two days.”
“You give her a call and check on her, and I’ll talk to the police.”
The police had pulled my father up into a standing position and were walking him out of the apartment. Nate followed as I headed to the kitchen to get my phone. Pulling up my mother’s name, I hit call.
“Merry Christmas Eve!” she singsonged.
“Mom, where are you?”
“What do you mean, where am I?”
“Have you not been home for two days?”
The line went silent. “How did you know that?”
“Just answer me this: are you okay? Safe?”
She let out a nervous laugh. “Of course I am, Haven. What is wrong?”
With a breath, I walked over to my sofa and sat down. “Something happened.”
“Are you okay? Is Nate okay?”
“Everyone is okay, for the most part. Nate asked me earlier this morning to move in with him.”