Page 73 of Devoted Enough
I waved off her worry. “I know you didn’t.”
“Wait, did you say Nate? Nate Shaw?”
Nodding, I felt myself smile. “We recently started dating.”
“How recent?”
I shrugged. “Last weekend.”
Her brows slowly went up. “Really? Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Um, we just started dating, Mom.”
She smiled. “You used to have the biggest crush on that boy once upon a time.”
I wanted to correct my mother and tell her he wasn’t a boy in any way, but I decided to keep that to myself.
“Yes, well, we can thank a flat tire for us getting together.”
Mom looked confused. “What do you mean?”
I smiled as the memory of that stormy night came back to me. As I told my mother, my entire body felt warm.
“I was leaving the Shaw Ranch one night and got a flat tire. It was the night of that bad storm. Nate came across me broke down and offered to help. The rest is history.”
She huffed. “Never thought I would see that boy settle down with one girl. Are you sure you can trust him, Haven?”
I reached for her arm and gave it a light pat. “Yes, Mom. And don’t you also say never judge a book by its cover? Nate is an amazing man, and if I told you what he has done for me…well…let’s just say I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. I have to keep pinching myself because it doesn’t feel real. I feel like all my dreams are coming true, and honestly, in the short time we have been seeing each other, Nate has been a part of those dreams being able to come true.”
She walked over and pulled me to her, hugging me. “No one deserves that more than you, Haven. I am so proud of you.”
Once we sat down at the table to eat, I told her about Doug and Nate and all that had happened in the last few days.
“How wonderful that things are turning out as they are, Haven! I know Doug. He’s a patient of ours. He did a playground in town for free one year. It turned out beautiful. I’m not the least surprised he would also take on this project. And how amazing you can open it to those who cannot afford the membership. I know having to charge the membership was a hard decision for you to make.”
“Thanks, Mom.”
Mom looked back at me and smiled. “So, Nate Shaw, huh?”
I felt my cheeks heat. “Yes, Nate Shaw.”
“I know you said you just started dating, but how serious is it?” she asked.
I shrugged. “I think it’s progressing along nicely.”
“I’m so happy for you, sweetheart. I know how much you liked Nate and what he did for you with your father.”
A feeling of sadness swept through the air, and I decided it was time to change the direction this conversation was going.
Taking my napkin, I wiped my mouth and set it on the table. “Nate has invited us to Thanksgiving at his grandmother’s house tomorrow.”
My mother stared at me for a few moments before saying, “He did?”
“Why are you frowning?” I asked.
Mom cleared her throat. “I’m sorry, sweetheart; I didn’t mean to frown. I guess I’m just surprised. What made him invite us if you’ve just started dating?”
“Well, he invited me, and I told him I would most likely be having you over to my apartment. He asked me if you would like to come as well. After all, you are good friends with his mother, Mom.”