Page 76 of Devoted Enough
I felt my cheeks heat. “I was thinking Hallmark. All the Christmas movies are playing.”
Nate closed his eyes and let out a sigh. When he opened them, I was trying not to laugh. “Fine. But if you tell anyone, especially Josh, that I watched Hallmark, I will deny it until my dying day.”
Jumping in excitement, I kissed him and said, “Deal!”
I spun around and quickly made my way to Nate’s bedroom. He had placed my bag on his bed. Unzipping it, I took out the clothes I had brought and the pajamas. I wasn’t sure why I brought those since I was hoping to be naked and snuggled up next to Nate all night. I also wasn’t sure what to wear for Thanksgiving, so I didn’t pack anything, figuring I would be leaving to pick up my mother anyway.
The small bathroom bag was at the bottom of the bag. I took it out and headed to the bathroom. I set it on the counter. Putting it on Nate’s counter felt weird. I didn’t want him to think I was trying to move my things in. With this relationship still so new and my worry that it was too good to be true, I wasn’t even sure I could take anything out and leave it here.
I looked in the mirror and frowned. The dark circles under my eyes showed where I hadn’t slept the night before. I felt happier than ever, yet something was nagging at the back of my mind, and I wasn’t sure what it was. I left the bag sitting toward the back of the counter, but didn’t take anything out.
Making my way back into the bedroom, I pulled out a pair of sweats and a long-sleeve T-shirt from Glacier Park. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail, and last but not least, took off my shoes and put on my favorite warm and fuzzy socks.
After making my way back to the kitchen, I found it empty. “Nate?”
The rolls were in the oven, the beef stew simmering, and no Nate.
I decided to get everything out for the stew. Bowl, spoon, and butter for the rolls. It smelled so good I decided to have a small bowl myself, even though I had already eaten at my mother’s. The sound of the front door shutting caused me to look over my shoulder.
“Were you outside?” I asked.
Nate looked at me. “Yeah, I wanted to check on something outside.”
I nodded. “Is the temperature dropping?”
He walked up and let his eyes roam over me. “Yes, it’s for sure colder outside. You look adorable.”
Glancing down at what I was wearing, I screwed up my face. “I do?”
Nate nodded, took my hand, and pulled me to him. Dropping my hand, he cupped my face and stared into my eyes.
“I’m sorry I pushed you away for so long. I was a stupid idiot.”
My heart started to beat faster. “It doesn’t matter. All that matters is now.”
He dropped his forehead to mine and let out a soft breath.
“Nate? Is everything okay?”
When he said nothing, I drew back and looked up at him. “Nate?”
He smiled. “Yeah, everything is fine.” He saw the two bowls. “Are you still hungry?”
Smiling, I replied, “It smelled so good I decided to try it!”
“I’ll get the rolls and drinks, and you dish out the stew.”
We worked silently as I ladled some stew while Nate buttered some of the rolls and put them on a small plate. As I brought our bowls to the kitchen island, Nate placed two glasses of water down.
“Do you want another drink besides water?”
I shook my head as I slid onto a stool. “Water is perfect, thank you.”
Nate followed my lead and sat down.
“This smells so good, Nate.”
“Let’s just hope it tastes good. I’ve made it a dozen or so times, but it never seems to be as good as my mother’s. I follow the recipe, but something seems missing.”