Page 81 of Devoted Enough
I finished chewing my bite. “Where is someplace you’d like to go?”
“Like, in the US or anywhere?”
“Anywhere. Sky is the limit.”
Haven thought about her answer for a few moments. “If it was here in the US, I think I would like to see the coast. Maybe Oregon or even the East Coast.”
“Oregon is beautiful. The whole Pacific coastline is.”
“Have you been back east?” Haven asked.
With a shake of my head, I replied, “If you count Europe. When Avery got married, we all went to France.”
She smiled softly. “I remember that. I bet it was a beautiful wedding.”
“It was, but I’ve seen some beautiful weddings right here on the ranch.” She nodded and looked down the table toward her mother. “What about outside the US?”
Haven’s eyes met my gaze. “Let’s see, I think it would be maybe Ireland or Scotland. London would be pretty cool to visit. A lot of the historical romance books I read are based in London.”
With a smile, I said, “Maybe we can go there someday.”
Haven laughed. “Right now I just want to get through this winter and what it’s going to be like building the dog park.”
I took her hand in mine and gave it a squeeze. “Everything is going to be great. Don’t stress.”
She nodded. “Easier said than done.”
Once everyone was finished up eating, and the food and kitchen cleaned up, it was time for game night. My gaze swept over the living room until I found Haven sitting next to Lily. Their heads were bent low in what had to be a private conversation. I couldn’t help but smile. Two women in my life who meant the world to me. When I turned to my right, I caught my mother watching me. We both smiled at one another, and I tried to ignore the way my face felt heated.
A bell rang and everyone turned to see Uncle Brock standing next to Grams.
“The time has come, family. It’s family game night…Thanksgiving edition.”
I closed my eyes and groaned. When I opened them, Haven stood in front of me.
“What was that all about?”
Taking her hands in mine, I said, “Do you remember last night, in my kitchen? That thing I did with my tongue?”
Her face instantly went red as she quickly looked around, then focused back on me. “Nate!”
“Do you remember?”
She rolled her eyes as she sighed. “Of course I remember.”
“Good,” I said, nodding my head. “Remember that once we get into the throes of family game night.”
With a small frown, Haven went to say something, but snapped her mouth shut. A look of worry crossed over her face when she looked past me. “Is…is Rose stretching?”
With a quick glance over my shoulder, I said, “She knows something we don’t! Quick! Do some stretches!”
Haven looked shocked when I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the side of the living room and started doing some jumping jacks.
“Nate?” she softly asked. “What is happening?”
Turning to her, I said, “It’s too late to do any reconnaissance work, if someone knows the games, they won’t tell us now.”
Looking even more confused, Haven asked, “Reconnaissance work?”