Page 88 of Devoted Enough
Josh poked his head out before I could ask Nate what he was trying to say. “Grams said to get inside, it’s getting colder, and the movie is about to start.”
Taking my hand in his, Nate guided us to the house. I inwardly cursed Josh for his timing. Once we stepped back into the house, everyone claimed seats in a room with a large screen that had dropped from the ceiling. Stella had a theater room in her home, with theater seating in the back, and tons of bean bags on the floor toward the screen. Most of the little ones had taken up the bean bag chairs, but Nate secured one big enough for us both to sit in.
“How did you manage to snag this one?” I asked as I sat down, a bag of popcorn in one hand and a box of Junior Mints in the other. Stella had a table filled with movie snacks, not to mention the desserts from Thanksgiving dinner, which included apple, pumpkin, and cherry pie.
“I had to bribe Rhett and Ryder to give me this one.”
I laughed and looked around the room. Everyone was so happy, and that made my heart feel full. I knew this had to be a hard Thanksgiving with Ty Senior not here.
Nate set two bottles of water down and then sat next to me. The lights dimmed, andA Charlie Brown Thanksgivingstarted to play. I snuggled deeper against Nate and couldn’t help but smile. I wanted every Thanksgiving to be exactly like this one.
Chapter Sixteen
Haven sat beside me in the bean bag chair and intently watchedACharlieBrownThanksgiving. At some point, Maggie made her way over and sat with us. Haven had started playing with Mag’s hair and braided it. I wasn’t the least bit surprised that Haven was good with kids. She had a heart like no one else I had ever met.
I glanced at her once more and smiled. I had been about to ask Haven if she would move in with me but then Josh had interrupted us. I’m glad I hadn’t, though. It was too soon to be suggesting that, even if I wanted to spend every moment of the day with Haven as I could.
Haven leaned closer to me and whispered, “Do you need anything? I’m going to run to the restroom.”
I shook my head. It was then that I noticed Maggie had fallen asleep. Haven carefully lifted the little girl from her lap, gently laid her on the bean bag, then ducked down and high-tailed it out of the room.
Maggie wiggled and sat up. “Where did Miss Haven go?”
“She had to go potty. She’ll be back.”
Maggie nodded, then made her way onto my lap, where she promptly snuggled against my sweater. “I’m cold, Uncle Nate.”
I wrapped my arms around her, causing her to giggle. “Oh, no! Let me get you warmed up, little one.”
“I’m not warm yet!” she stated with a twinkle in her eyes.
“Not yet?” I asked in a whispered voice. Suddenly, a small blanket made its way in front of me, and I glanced up to see my sister smiling down at me and her daughter.
“This might help.”
I took it and covered up Maggie. “Thanks, Lily.”
“Want me to take her?”
With a shake of my head, I held onto my niece tighter. “No, she’s fine here. I hardly ever get to spend time with her.”
Lily was bent down, attempting not to block the screen from those in the back. “She’s going to fall asleep.”
Kissing the top of her brown curly head, I breathed. What was it about little ones that made them smell so good?
“She’s fine. Go spend some time with your husband.”
My sister reached over and kissed my cheek. “You know, Nate, someday you’re going to make a wonderful father.”
I nearly choked. “A father? Let’s not put the cart before the horse, Lily.”
She shrugged. “I’m simply pointing out a fact. By the way, I really like Haven.”
Smiling, I nodded. “I do too.”
“Me twee,” Maggie mumbled as Lily and I both chuckled.