Page 11 of Payoff Pitch
My eyes immediately find Ezra Decker’s handsome, comforting face. He’s got wavy dark hair that would likely be curly if he let it grow and the warmest hazel eyes. I wish I felt something more than friendship for him. I just don’t feel that spark. He’s so sweet, but it’s not there for me. He’s only two years older than me. For some reason, I’ve always gravitated toward older, more mature men.
He gives me a big smile when I walk in and motions for me to sit in the booth next to him. I see my favorite beer already there waiting for me. He’s so thoughtful. I sit down and smile. “Is this for me?”
He nods. “It is. I know you guys had a long game in the heat today. I thought you could use it. I ordered your favorite apps too. I figured that you’re probably hungry.”
Like I said, thoughtful.
“You didn’t have to do that.”
He kisses my cheek. “I wanted to. I like taking care of you.”
I rub his leg. “Thank you. You’re very sweet.”Too sweet.
Cheetah smiles at my sister. He’s been trying to get into her pants since the second they met. She’s been toying with him, stringing him along. Every single time we come here, the two of them make bets as to who can score with a random woman. Kam always wins.
I’m not sure what the holdup is. He’s her type. He’s a sexy, blue-eyed Latino man and is very funny. He’s right up her alley.
“Kam bam,” that’s what he calls her, “you were the last to arrive.”
Arizona and Quincy’s mother started a game when they were kids and Quincy brought it to the Cougars. Whoever is last to arrive has to give a random fact. It happens to be interesting, andI’ve learned a lot from it. We all always have random facts on hand in case we’re the last to arrive.
Kam smirks. “I’ve got one for you, kitten.” That’s what she calls Cheetah. “The impulse to ejaculate comes from the spinal cord. No brain is needed. It explains why men ejaculate so easily, doesn’t it?”
Cheetah slowly nods. “That makes a lot of sense. I do get a little tingling in my spine right before I release my sweet vanilla cream into a woman’s warm coffee.”
Kam gives him her playful smile. “I guess it’s a good thing that I’m not lactose intolerant.” She licks her lips suggestively. “I enjoy drinking sweet vanilla cream all night long. From both the pink and blue bottles.”
“I prefer pink bottles with sexy brunettes on the other end of them.” Cheetah over-enthusiastically wipes his face with his napkin and then winks at Kam. “Am I clearing you a place to sit down, Kam bam, or are you planning to bump donuts like you always do?”
Kam rolls her eyes. “I don’talwaysbump donuts, kitten. I’m bi. If you weren’t so clueless, you’d know that all women are bi.”
I raise my hand. “I’m not.”
She nods. “We all are. We’re either bi-polar, bi-lingual, bi-sexual, or bi-tch.”
The things that come out of my sister’s mouth would make a prostitute blush.
Cheetah and Kam keep going at it punch for punch until Gemma Interrupts the madness by asking Arizona, “Are you excited for yourSports Illustratedshoot this week?”
Arizona and Layton are being featured in theSports Illustratedcouple’s body image issue. They’re going to look amazing, though I know Arizona is a little uncomfortable with it. I don’t know why; she has a beautiful body, and she and Layton have undeniable chemistry.
Arizona shrugs nervously. “I guess.”
Gemma fans her face. “It’s going to be hot as hell. I would dothat in a millisecond. Trey’s hands all over my nearly naked body all day? Him standing in his underwear all day? Yes please.”
Trey pulls her onto his lap and rubs his hands all over her body. “I don’t want anyone else seeing your body, baby. It’s only for me. If you want my hands all over you, no problem.”
She smiles as she turns her head and kisses him, uncaring that they have a huge audience.
Ezra leans over and whispers, “You’ll get used to it. That’s how they are.” He then visibly swallows. “Have you umm…changed your mind about me yet? Will you let me take you out? There are a lot of really good restaurants in Philly. I’d love to show you some of them.”
I take his hand in mine. “Ezra, I adore you. You’re kind and so handsome. I’m sure there are women lined up for you. I just don’t see it being more for us, and I don’t want to give you any false hope. I really like you. Can’t we stay friends?”
He pinches his lips together and nods. “Sure. I…umm…just thought it would be cool if the two second basemen in town were together.”
“It would, but I’m not there right now.”
Kam mouths to me, “Just fuck him.”