Page 121 of Payoff Pitch
“It’s a baby snake, and they did that because of the Anacondas.”
“Still sucks. It would be better if there was a cool name for baby snakes. Like cygnets are baby swans. Cygnets is a badass name.”
“Perhaps you can make one up? You love making up words.”
“Perhaps I will.”
The girls are returning the equipment to the shed for storage when I see Fallon waiting on the sidelines. I approach her. “Ididn’t realize you were coming. I thought I was driving her to Tanner’s?”
She shuffles nervously on her feet. “Umm…Tanner mentioned that you two are…no longer an item. I thought it might be easier for you if I picked her up tonight and drove her there. So you don’t have to see him.”
“I appreciate it, but I’ll be there tomorrow night. I’ll see him when he gets home, and I’m going to have to see him in the future.”
“Do you need me to come by tomorrow? Maybe for a few weeks until emotions simmer down?”
I shake my head. “No. I promised you that I would be devoted to Harper no matter what, and I am.”
She nods. “I appreciate it. If you have any issues, we can try to figure something else out. We don’t want to lose you, Bailey.”
“You won’t. I’m committed. I promise. I can manage my emotions.”
She bites her lip. “I told him a hundred times to tell you about the vasectomy. To give you all the information before you got in too deep.”
“Yeah, well, he didn’t listen to you. I certainly wish he did. I don’t know if it would have changed anything, but him keeping it from me feels very calculated.”
“You’re completely right.” Her face is full of nothing but compassion. “I don’t know that it will make you feel better, but he’s hurting too. Despite his behavior, he does care for you.”
“Thanks, Fallon. Can we just keep things about Harper moving forward? The wounds are a little fresh for me to be having this conversation with you right now.”
Her face falls. “I’m sorry. Of course. If you have any issues or need a little time away, just reach out.”
I give her a small smile. “I will. Thank you.”
“I’m here, so I’ll take her tonight. And you’re sure you’re good for tomorrow night?”
“I’m fine. I promise.”
It’s just before seven,and I instruct Harper, “Only set two places at the table.”
“I thought Daddy was coming home for dinner.”
“He is. I’m leaving.”
Her face falls. “Why? You always stay for dinner.”
“I’m sorry, sweetie, I have plans tonight. I need to leave as soon as Daddy gets home.”Like two seconds after he gets home.
She looks so sad. “Okay. Will you stay tomorrow night?” she asks hopefully.
“I’m sorry, I have plans tomorrow too.” I don’t, but my days of dinners here are over. It will take a little time, but she’ll get used to our new normal.
I see the headlights of his car beaming through the front windows. I quickly place the food on the table and gather my jacket and purse.
Giving Harper a hug, I tell her that I left Skittles for her inside the drawer in her night table. I knew she’d be a little upset at me leaving, so I left them as a happy surprise for her.
When he walks in through the garage door, the pain feels as fresh as if it just happened. Shit. I thought I was making progress. My heart physically hurts at the sight of him.
Harper runs to hug his leg. He hugs her back but maintains eye contact with me.