Page 125 of Payoff Pitch
“You two are the proud owners of the best-sellingSports Illustratedcover of all time. You’re an exceedingly attractive couple, outwardly in love. You’re both looked up to as superstars in your respective sports. And your bodies are flawless. I’m not a genius, but I’m guessing those are the contributing factors.”
He lets out a laugh. “Yep, my wife is a hottie.”
“You really like using the wordsmy wife,don’t you?”
He smiles dreamily. “I do.”
Layton was one of the biggest playboys on the planet, and now he’s the most whipped man I’ve ever met. I never thought I’d see the day, and it happened so fast after he met her. It makes me wonder about people growing and changing.
“What can I do for you?”
“I just wanted to check on you. Arizona told me that you and Bailey are no longer sneaky links.”
“What the hell is a sneaky link?”
He twists his lips. “I guess it’s secret sex partners.”
I grimace. “You make it sound so cheap.”
“Were you ever forthcoming about your relationship?”
“Were you having sex?”
I exhale a breath in resignation. “I guess we were sneaky links.”
“Yep. Are you okay?”
“Not really. I hate that I hurt her, but I suppose it’s for the best. Maybe she’ll find the right person.” I have to choke out that last sentence.
“Why can’t that be you?”
I hold up my hands. “Enough, Dr. Layton. I need to get going.”
He simply shakes his head.
He pinches his lips together as if choosing his words carefully. “You always do this.”
“Do what?”
“When conversations get a little deep for you, you deflect. It’s probably a skill you acquired in law school. It’s okay to be vulnerable sometimes. It doesn’t make you less of a man. It makes you more of one. Look at what I’ve been through. I wouldn’t be okay right now if not for the help of Arizona and my friends. You can trust me with your feelings. I’m your friend, Tanner. I promise.”
I’m silent.
“You obviously care about her more than you let on. Probably more than you expected to.”
Every instinct I have is to run away from this conversation. Bailey was right about me. Layton is right too.
I look at my watch. “I really do have to get going. Yes, my feelings for her run deeper than I had anticipated. Yes, I’m having a hard time letting go.” I stand. “Thanks for checking in. I’ll be fine. I really do have a dinner interview. I need to get across town.”
“Interview for what?”
“I want to bring in a female agent to run my newwomen’s sports division. I want to get these girls better contracts. The kind they deserve.”
“Oh, cool. You’ll be the Billie Jean King of the twenty-first century.”