Page 136 of Payoff Pitch
“I was coming down to see if you have time for a cup of coffee.”
Surprise is written all over her face. I’ve never done this before. “Oh…umm…I was just about to go upstairs for my late afternoon sugar fix. I have about thirty minutes before my next patient. Is everything okay with Harper?”
“Yes. Fine. I had an appointment upstairs and just came down to chat with you about something.”
Her face falls. “Are you okay? Is something wrong?”
“I’m fine. Let’s go find a quiet corner in the cafeteria so we can talk in private.”
After we make our way up there and I buy her a few snacks and myself a coffee, we’re sitting at a table away from any prying ears.
She bites into a huge candy bar. “So? What’s up?”
I scrunch my face. “How do you keep your figure eating that shit every afternoon?”
She’s always had a sweet tooth, and she seriously has a flawless figure. I’ve never once seen her go to a gym. We both know where Harper’s sweet tooth comes from.
She shrugs and, with a mouthful, answers, “Good genes, I guess. Look at my mother.”
Doris has a very good figure too.
I pat my stomach. “I hope Harper gets your genes, not mine.”
She raises an eyebrow. “Yep, you look exactly like Norman. Smell like him too.”
I let out a laugh at her referring to one of the fathers on Harper’s team. “He really does have a strong body odor, doesn’t he? What grown man doesn’t use deodorant? Who does he think he is, Matthew McConaughey?”
She giggles as she takes another bite of her Snickers bar and nods her head. “He sure does. He’s probably the mostunfuckablehuman being I’ve ever met.”
“I can’t say I’ve ever thought of him that way.”
She leans back in her chair and nods her head again. “When you have sex as infrequently as I do, you rate every man you come across. He ranks at the absolute bottom next to your brother, but Linc’s low ranking is for personality, not grotesque looks and smell.”
I ignore the warranted dig at my brother, instead focusing on her love life. “You’re still not dating?” I hate to hear that.
“Dating and sex aren’t one and the same but don’tworry, I’ve gone on a few dates. You know who just asked me out?”
“Who? I’ll hire a private investigator to check him out.”
She lets out a laugh. “Not needed. You know him. Jett Jeffries.”
“As in the coach of the Camels?”
She nods. “Yep.”
“I didn’t realize they got divorced.”
“A year or two ago.”
“He’s a decent guy. Women on social media certainly like him.” He garners a lot of attention for his good looks.
She sighs. “He’s attractive. I told him I’d let him know. I feel like it’s a little…close to home. You have a lot of clients on that team. It’s weird.”
“I see your point. It doesn’t matter from my perspective, if that’s what you’re worried about. Whatever makes you happy.”
She finishes the rest of her candy bar and tosses the wrapper. “I’m not really asking your permission, being that you banged the nanny and all, but it’s good to know you approve.”
I smile. “You’re a certified ballbuster, Fallon. Speaking of my balls, my appointment today was with Dr. Berkley.”