Page 23 of Payoff Pitch
He’s in a business suit, looking sexy as sin. I’ve never been with a man who dresses like him. It’s so mature and manly. It’s like I’m being taunted to find out what’s underneath the suit.
I blink my eyes to break myself out of the daydreaming andsmile. “Hey. The girls were getting hungry. I hope you don’t mind.”
“I was going to order them pizza.”
“Harper said she had pizza with you last night. She should eat healthier. I have some peppers on the grill too.”
He smirks. “Schooling me on day one?”
“I’m sor—”
“I like it.” He licks his bottom lip. “You’re right. I should do a better job with her diet. I’m a terrible cook. I do have some ingredients for a salad. Why don’t I go make that? You’ve got your eyes on the girls, right? Or do you need to leave? I know I said I’d be home by now. Sorry I was running a little late.”
I shake my head. “My friends are at the Cougars’ game tonight. I’m in no rush. I’ll meet them out after the game.”
“Do you guys go to Screwballs?”
I nod. “Most nights.”
“You must get hit on all the time.” His eyes widen. “Sorry, that’s none of my business.”
I smile. “It’s okay.” Though I don’t answer the question.
It’s awkwardly silent for a minute before I say, “I’m more than happy to do some grocery shopping if you want. Harper and I can go tomorrow. I love to cook. Your kitchen is fantastic. I could make some healthy meals and leave them in the fridge for you both.”
He nods. “That would be great. I’ll leave a credit card with your keys on the kitchen counter. You’re always more than welcome to join us for those dinners.”
“Perfect.” I look through the windows into the house. “What are those paddles I saw in the kitchen? I’ve never seen anything like them.”
“They’re pickleball paddles. Have you ever played?”
I shake my head. “No. What’s pickleball?”
“It’s to tennis what softball was to baseball. It was invented to be played in smaller spaces than tennis. It’s a marriage between tennis and ping pong. You’re obviously a natural athlete. You’d begood at it. I’ll take you to play sometime. I taped out the court on my basketball court so I can teach Harper how to play, but I play at a local club. It’s a nice way for an old man like me to keep competitive.”
“You’re not that old, are you?”
He gives me a sexy smile. “Older than I’d like.”
I resist the urge to ask him exactly how old by looking down and flipping the burgers. I manage to shout back toward him, “They’ll be ready soon,” without making any more eye contact.
“Right. I’ll be back in a few with the salad.”
He returns ten minutes later without his suit jacket and with his sleeves rolled up. So sexy.
He places a salad bowl on the table, sits, and lights up a cigar. I’m about to say something about it but bite back a snarky response. I already gave him one tonight.
I yell down to the pool, “Girls, dinnertime.”
They get out of the pool and wrap themselves in towels. Harper looks up at me, and I silently motion that her dad is smoking a cigar. She smiles and nods conspiratorially.
I turn and look at him. He leans back in his chair and smokes as if in deep thought. I can’t help but drink him in. He oozes sex appeal. The way he crosses his legs, the way he holds the cigar, the way he fills out the chair. Every single thing he does.
I’ve never been around a man who smokes a cigar. As unhealthy as I know it is, it’s so hot when he does it. His dark beard has a few gray hairs at the bottom. His big red lips wrap around the cigar. I’m jealous of the damn cigar.
He’s lost in thought when I see the girls slowly tiptoe up the stairs. I motion for them to spread out, which they manage to do quietly.
Holding up my fist, I slowly lift one finger at a time until I reach three. When I do, they all run toward him and squirt his cigar with the water guns I bought.