Page 28 of Payoff Pitch
Before I can answer, Layton does. “Hell no. Ezra has a thing for her. He’s super into her.”
I nearly break my glass I’m gripping it so hard. I bite back the unexpected surge of rage and casually ask, “Are they together?”
He shakes his head. “No. She keeps shooting him down, but he’s not giving up. He follows her around like a puppy dog.”
Cheetah nods in agreement. “I told him to play it cool, but he has no chill when it comes to her. She’s shy. I can’t imagine she goes to clubs at all. Bailey and Kam are total opposites. Kam is outgoing. She’s the funniest chick I’ve ever met.”
Vance winks at me. He knows about Cheetah’s crush on Kamryn and is messing with him. He looks back at the guys. “Kamryn told me they’re from southern Florida. I love it down there. The weather is amazing. For ten months of the year, it’sbend her over the balcony and lift up hersundressweather.” He bites his lip and mock shivers. “And Kam’s ass is quite a sight. When I had my hands on it—”
Cheetah stands and grabs Vance by the shirt, but Vance just starts laughing. “I’m just fucking with you, man. It’s clear you’re into her. I didn’t lay a finger on her.”
Cheetah releases him and mumbles, “Asshole.”
Vance nods. “Yes, I wear the asshole tag proudly. I did meet her. She’s a cool chick, though I thought she was into girls. I think she went home with one the night I met her.”
Cheetah smiles. “She’s into both. So fucking hot.”
Daylen smirks. “I have a lesbian friend, Bella. She gave me a Rolex watch for my birthday last year. I think she was confused about what I meant when she asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I said I wantedtowatch, notawatch.”
We all burst out laughing. Daylen may be an even bigger goofball than Cheetah. The two of them together bring epic levels of madness.
Cheetah shakes his head before turning it to Daylen. “Bumblebutt, she’s bi, not a lesbian. There’s a difference.”
“Ooh, nice. What do you call a lesbian with braces?”
Cheetah thinks for a moment before a huge grin finds his face. “A box cutter.”
Daylen lets out a laugh. “You got it, pussy cat.”
Cheetah nods toward the pizza. “While you’re busy laughing at your own joke, hand me a slice.”
Daylen grabs one for Cheetah and one for himself and then snarfs down his slice in two bites. I swear the man must be half giant. I’m six feet, two inches and he’s at least four or five inches taller than me. He smiles when he notices me staring, and asks, “Did you ever wonder why pizza, which is circular, is put into a square box? And the biggest kicker of it all? We cut it into triangles. It’s one of the greatest geometrical mysteries in the world.”
I shake my head. “You’re a weird dude.”
“Thank you.”
“It wasn’t a compliment.”
He gives me his big, goofy smile.
We have a great night of drinks, poker, and ball-busting. These nights always lift my spirits. I love this group of guys.
I’m driving the two-hour trip to the campsite with Bailey and Harper sitting in the backseat. I can’t stop staring at Bailey in the rearview mirror. She’s effortlessly gorgeous. It’s not just physical beauty. She has an inner glow about her. Her genuine, happy interactions with Harper are so endearing.
I take in her profile. She really should model. Her body and face are perfect for it. I can’t pinpoint the reason I’m happy she doesn’t want to do so. I hate the thought of people looking at her. I know exactly what those horny fuckers will be thinking.
The same thing you’re thinking, Montgomery.
Bailey is touching the new space in Harper’s teeth. “I can’t believe I missed your tooth falling out. We were wiggling that sucker all day the other day.”
Harper giggles. “Daddy told me to bite an apple. As soon as I did, it came out.”
“Ahh. Your daddy is a pro. I wouldn’t have thought of that. What did the tooth fairy bring you?”