Page 31 of Payoff Pitch
I whisper back, “In age only. She might actually be younger in maturity.”
Bailey silently laughs as they approach us.
The three girls immediately huddle into their own private conversation while Brandon walks over to a group of boys.
Trevor shakes mine and Beckett’s hands while he kisses Amanda on the cheek. He winks at Bailey. “Nice to see you again, Hildy.”
Bailey lets out a laugh. “You as well.” She holds out her hand for Cassandra. “I’m Bailey. You must be Dylan’s mom. She told me all about you. I adore her so much. She’s a riot.”
Cassandra takes her hand and looks her up and down before turning to me. “Did you bring yourself a little snack, Tanner? I didn’t realize it’sthatkind of sleepover.”
I chuckle as I kiss her cheek. “Tactful as always. Good to see you. This is Bailey Hart. She’s a professional softball player and Harper’s new nanny.”
She gives her mischievous smile. “Hmm. Why don’t you boys deal with our stuff while Bailey and I get to know each other?”
I look down at Bailey and she nods that she’s fine. She has no idea what’s in store for her.
As I’m about to walk away, Cassandra says to me, “Funny thing. My daughter came home the other day andsaid that Harper’s dad mentioned that she should ask me about sex tapes. That was a fun conversation.” She winks. “I owe you one for that.”
Oh boy. I’m in for it.
It seems as though Fallon only ordered one tent for the family. I’m sure it slipped her mind to order me an extra with all she had going on this week. Tanner felt terrible and begged a few families to give up a tent, but it was to no avail. I assured him that I’m fine sharing a tent with the two of them. The tents are huge. We have three sleeping bags and Harper will be in the middle. It’s not a big deal.
We did a few activities on the lake this morning, which were fun. We’re now split into groups. The kids had the opportunity to sign up for different activities. Harper and her two best friends chose crafts. I wouldn’t define this as a purely “girlie activity,” but there are fifteen girls and only two boys in it. There are no fathers. I suppose I understand why Harper felt like she needed a female with her.
We’re making friendship bracelets. The girls are all gathered together while I’m with Cassandra and Amanda. Amanda is sketching.
I look over her shoulder and see a near-perfect sketch of the three girls laughing together. “Oh my god. That’s amazing.”
She looks up and smiles. “I love to draw.”
Cassandra scoffs. “Don’t let her downplay it. She’s a professional artist. Her paintings are amazing.”
Amanda scrunches her face. “It’s more of my passion than anything.”
I shake my head in disbelief. “Wow. I could never do something like that. I wish I had that kind of talent.”
Amanda deadpans, “You’re a freakin’ professional athlete. I’d say that’s a talent too.”
I twist my lips. “Hmm. I suppose. I wouldn’t say it’s my passion though.”
Cassandra asks, “What’s your passion?”
“Working with kids. I like writing too.”
She nods. “Take it from someone who’s been around the block a few times. Life is too short not to do what and who you love.”
I’m not sure how to answer that with regard to love and she notices. She continues, “It’s not like I don’t know what people say and think about me and Trevor. At some point, I just stopped giving a fuck. We make each other happy.”
“I’m not judging. I think it’s great. You’re probably a hero to most women.”
She lets out a laugh. “Damn straight. I’ve got a young, hot stud of a husband who thinks the sun rises and sets in my pants. Luckiest woman ever. Speaking of getting into someone’s pants, is there anything going on with you and Tanner?”
Amanda rolls her eyes. “Leave her alone, Cassandra.”
Cassandra shrugs, “What? When she was in her little bikini on the paddleboard, Tanner was salivating.”