Page 57 of Payoff Pitch
The first pitch comes in. It’s inside, and Bailey leans her front elbow into the pitch and takes a hard fastball to the upper arm. I wince. That’s going to leave a big bruise, but she was hit by the pitch and takes first base.
I say to Harper, “That’s called taking one for the team. She leaned into it. Did you see how she subtly moved her elbow so the ball would hit her?”
Harper nods. “I saw, but now she won’t be the hero.”
“Heroes come all in different forms. Kamryn is the best hitter in the league. Bailey did what was best for the team to get the best hitter up in the biggest situation. And now not only is the tying run on base, but the winning run is on base too.”
Harper nods. “Bailey could be the winning run!” She takes a few deep breaths. “My heart is pounding so fast, Daddy.”
I chuckle at how much she cares. “So is mine.”
Cheetah takes Harper’s other hand and places it over his eyes. “I can’t watch. I’m too nervous. Tell me what happens.”
Harper laughs and playfully slaps his arm. “Stop it. You do this all the time.”
He winks at her and sighs. “I suppose I do, but it’s harder when you’re in the stands and it’s your friends.”
All the fans are on their feet clapping and cheering for Kamryn. She watches the first pitch for ball one.
Harper audibly releases the breath she was holding.
The next pitch comes in, Kamryn swings, and crack. It’s a line drive to the left-center gap. Everyone is going nuts. That easily scores Arizona to tie the game and should move Bailey over to third base.
Suddenly I see the third base coach waving Bailey around to try to get home. Why the hell is the coach doing that? She’s going to be out.
The cheers of Arizona scoring quickly morph into gasps as everyone collectively holds their breath watching Bailey barrel toward home plate.
The throw from the left fielder arrives at the catcher well ahead of Bailey. She fields it cleanly and is about to tag Bailey out when Bailey literally jumps up and over the catcher, somersaulting across home plate.
The crowd is quiet as the umpire signals that she’s safe and the game is over. The Anacondas win.
Cheetah looks at me wide-eyed. “What in the pigs flying universe did I just see?”
I’m speechless. I breathe, “She’s unbelievable.”
The whole stadium erupts in cheers. The Anacondas’ dugout empties and piles on top of Kamryn. Yes, she hadthe game-winning hit, but Bailey is the one who should be celebrated.
Kamryn’s hitand Bailey’s acrobatics from last night have been playing on repeat on all local stations and all the national sports stations. It’s great attention for the sport and team.#HartHasHeartis trending all over the place.
Kamryn did a million interviews. She was born to be in front of the camera. She’s charming and witty. Her innately outgoing personality shines through, and the reporters are eating it up.
She tried to pull Bailey into a few of the interviews, calling her the true hero of the game, but Bailey was more than happy to let Kamryn have the limelight. It’s interesting how much they look alike yet how different they are.
It’s been a long day. I’m glad Bailey is off today and was able to help with Harper this afternoon and into the early evening.
I had an unavoidable meeting that lasted way longer than it should have and was wildly unsuccessful. Some people are such assholes. A negotiation by definition is supposed to be a discussion to resolve differences. That’s hard to do when one side won’t budge at all. It’s got me all stressed out.
And I missed dinner with Harper. Damn it. At least I’ll be home before she goes to bed. I’m excited to see Bailey and talk to her about the game. Hopefully she’ll stick around for a bit tonight.
Or maybe I’m just excited to see Bailey in general.
Layton, Cheetah, Vance, and Daylen all walk into myoffice. I look up at them. “What are you all doing here? I’m just about to head out for the day.”
Layton answers, “Let’s grab a drink. You’ve seemed stressed lately.”
I shake my head. “Not tonight. I need to get home to Harper.”
Cheetah turns to him. “Told you he’d say that.” Looking back at me, he says, “One drink. Thirty minutes. Tops. You can choose the location.”