Page 79 of Payoff Pitch
I immediately jump off the slow-moving float and run to grab Harper and Andie’s hands.
Harper’s eyes widen. “What are you doing?”
I smile down at her. “It’s time for you to join the parade.”
She squeals, “What?”
“Come on. Let’s celebrate.”
I bring two shocked and excited little girls onto the float with us. Everyone is welcoming. The girls smile as they wave to the crowds lining the streets with pure and total glee. I know it’s a moment neither of them will ever forget.
It’s beena crazy few days of partying. This town knows how to celebrate its champions.
Tonight is about Harper though. It’s her league championship game.
I arrive at their house a little before we need to leave. As soon as I step in the door, Tanner pulls me into his arms and kisses me. I wrap my arms around him, immediately losing myself in all things Tanner. His lips suck me right in. Damn, this man can kiss.
I love the way his beard rubs my face. I know my face will be red when we’re done and there’s something so hot about being marked by him.
He kisses his way down my neck and mumbles into it, “Hi, beautiful. I’ve missed you.”
I can only manage a, “Hmm,” as my body melts into his.
When he eventually pulls away, I’m a little unsteady on my feet from the affection. He has to hold me upright for a moment.
When I regain my senses, I drink him in. He’s in jeans and a hoodie with a baseball hat for Harper’s team. He’s so hot. And he’s mine…for now.
I eventually breathe out, “Hi.”
He winks at me, knowing the effect he has on me, and then adjusts himself before he turns and walks back into the kitchenarea. I follow him and notice a big box on the counter. “What’s that?”
“The girls are flipping out that you’ll be at the big game tonight. I bought your jersey for each of them. If you don’t mind, maybe you can sign them.”
“They’re flipping out forme?”
He gives me an incredulous look. “Yes, Bailey. You’re a superstar on a championship team. Did you not see the tens of thousands of people at the parade? I hate to break it to you, but you’re famous. Arizona may be the face of the team, Ripley may be the backbone, and Kamryn may be the flashy smile, but you, my beautiful girl, are the heart and soul. You must realize that.”
Hmm. I’ve never thought of it that way.
I smile in gratitude for his words. “Thank you. I’m happy to sign them.” I look around. “Where’s Harper?”
“She said she needed time alone to visualize.” He smirks. “Know anything about that?”
I giggle. “I may have talked to her about it.” I hold out my hand. “Give me a Sharpie. I’ve got some jerseys to sign.”
He hands one to me. “Great. We’ll give them to the girls after the game. A celebratory gift if they win, and something that will make them feel better if they don’t. They’ll certainly need it if they lose. Their douchebag coach will tear into them. Actually, win or lose he’ll probably tear into them.”
He’s a yeller and screamer coach. I’ve seen him in action and marvel that he treats seven-year-old girls that way. I marvel more that the parents allow their kids to play for him. I wouldn’t.
An hour later we’re sitting in the stands with Fallon, Beckett, Amanda, Cassandra, Trevor, and Dylan.
Fallon greets me warmly, congratulating me on our big victory and telling me that she and Harper were glued to the television watching the final game.
I’m seated between Tanner and Cassandra. I lean past Cassandra and smile at Dylan. “It’s nice of you to come support your friends.”
“Mommy says anchor friends are the most important in your life. She’s had her best friend for, like, a hundred years.”
Cassandra playfully elbows her. “A hundred? Like fortyish.” She winces. “Ugh, that’s actually a lot. Now I feel old.”