Page 34 of Mastered By Lust
“Is she bringing her boyfriend?”
“She didn’t say, so probably not.” Danica squints at me, her gray eyes perceptive. “You don’t like him, do you?”
I shrug. “I don’t know. He’s secretive. You know I can’t say much about him.”
“Yeah, yeah, NDA, blah blah blah. I’m sick to fucking death of your NDA. Is he good for our girl, or is he not?”
Our girl. I wish Leah was my girl.
I force myself to take her question seriously. “He has a bit of a past, you know. There was the thing with the tape.”
“I’m personally hoping that was an attention-seeking media grab.”
“It wasn’t.” I take another gulp of beer, trying to decide how much to tell her. “It wasn’t a good look for him. I hope he’s changed since then, that’s what I’ll say about it. Feel free to look it up.”
“Ew. I would never look for someone’s sex tape.”
“I meant the commentary about it. I shouldn’t have said even this much.”
Danica frowns. “Do we give him the benefit of the doubt?”
“Look.” I flip over the steaks on the grill, then close the lid. “Leah hasn’t always chosen the best guys. But she’s smart. And I think she figured her shit out after Mick.”
“She’s been through so much.”
“I know. But she’s an adult. Let her make her own choices.”
Even when those choices drive me fucking insane with jealousy.
“You’re right, you’re right.” Danica leans against the brick ledge next to the barbecue.
My dad’s setting up for bocce ball, trying to sucker my cousin Rachel into helping him.
“You can be on my team and I win every time,” he says to her.
She falls for it. She must not remember our Fourth of July barbecue when Leah and I annihilated Dad and Danica.
Leah walks into the back yard. I freeze, bottle halfway to my lips. I knew to expect her, but she takes my goddamn breath away every time I see her.
She’s wearing jeans with a nice, light-blue top that shows off her shoulders. I bet when she turns around, her tattoo will be all or mostly visible.
I start toward her.Hey, let’s wreck my dad at bocce ballis on the tip of my tongue, but Patrick rushes over. “Leah, hey. Craig is setting up an epic bocce tournament. Be my partner?”
She looks surprised that he came on so aggressively, but she nods. “Sure, let me grab a drink first.”
“I’ll get it.” He’s already hurrying toward the cooler. “Beer? Wine? Champagne?”
“An amber ale, if you have one?”
“Sure thing.” He gives her a mock salute. I want to rip off his fingers and feed them to him.
I reach her and give her a quick hug. It’s both temptation and torture to touch her like this.
“Good to see you.” I keep it casual, but all I want to do is pull her into my arms again.
“You, too. Nice party. Your granddad looks happy.”
My smile is forced. “He’s in his element.”