Page 57 of Mastered By Lust
She makes a thoughtfulhmmsound. “Well, either way, I wish you were here. Some of these guys—I don’t know them, I don’t recognize them, and I don’t like them. They seem like a bunch of assholes. I thought Patrick had more class.”
It hits me, then—she’s in fucking Salding of all places. And Leah is, too.
I’m an idiot for not realizing the risks sooner.
I don’t know what the hell Patrick and Granddad are thinking, but now they’ve dragged my sister into it? And Leah?
“Danica, don’t go anywhere. Don’t leave the building, no matter what. Don’t let Leah leave, either.” I turn off my TV and jam on some shoes.
“What? Why?”
“I’ll be there soon.”
* * *
When I arrive at the club, I stand outside the brick building and take it in. Three stories. An alley on either side. Loud music blasts from the windows on all three levels. I thought the plan was for Dmitri and Patrick to open up a jazz club, but this looks more like a rave.
As I planned, I do look fucking fabulous. I styled my hair in loose, sexy waves, went all-out on the eyeliner, and dabbed on my favorite lip gloss. Unfortunately, the brown dress Gage gave me is way too formal for this kind of party. I should’ve worn a club dress, or jeans and a sexy top.
I pause on the sidewalk, unsure. Several men catcall me from across the street, making me jump. Salding isn’t as rough as the Bellefleur, but Dmitri always cautioned Danica and me to avoid the neighborhood after dark.
That makes it even weirder that Dmitri would choose to open a jazz club—presumably with night hours—in Salding.
Better to go inside and feel self-conscious about my fancy dress than stand out here and feel unsafe.
The inside is dark, lit by small lamps dangling from the ceiling. It smells faintly of garlic. Tables and chairs have been shoved against the wall to create an open space for the party. Several tables are pushed together for a makeshift bar, as well. I recognize a couple of Patrick’s friends standing behind the “bar,” passing out red plastic cups. They’re filling them from a tub of what looks suspiciously like jungle juice. What are we, nineteen and partying in a college dorm?
There must be a hundred people here, all of them dancing, drinking, shouting.
“Leah, you look amazing!” Patrick grabs me in a hug and kisses me on the cheek.
I try not to recoil. He’s more affectionate than usual—he’s never even hugged me before.
Undeterred by my stiff reaction, he throws an arm around my shoulder and leads me farther into the room. “Hey, you didn’t bring Gage Hawthorne with you.”
“He’s out of town.” I have to shout to hear myself.
“Really? Damn.” He uses his free hand to ruffle his light brown hair. He’s trying for the messy, bad boy look, except he could never pull it off. “Would’ve been cool to see him again.”
“I’ll be sure to tell him you asked after him.”
“Thanks.” Patrick smiles, flings his hands outward to show off the entire room. “So? What do you think? We had to rush out the old tenants. It cost a fuck-ton of money to lure them away, but worth it. We haven’t had a chance to gut the old fixtures, but the bare bones are okay, right?”
“I think it’s great. Loud, though. Where’s Danica?” And even though it physically hurts to say his name when I’m so angry, I add, “And Dmitri?”
“He got held up. I’m hoping he’ll be here soon.” He gestures toward a small group of people. “Danica’s talking to those guys.”
If I stand on my tiptoes, I can barely make out her head of blond hair in the crowd. I wonder if she needs rescuing, because I don’t recognize any of the men standing around her.
“I’ll go say hi,” I say to Patrick.
“Sure. I’ll find you later and give you a tour!” Patrick’s eyes are wide with excitement.
I’m so happy for him—he seems to be in his element with this whole thing. This party isn’t at all what I pictured. I thought it would be more subdued, like a jazz club. But everyone’s having fun from the looks of it.
I want to check in with Danica, so I make my way toward her and the group of guys. I have to dodge several overly-enthusiastic dancers who try to drag me into their circles, but they accept my refusal with good humor.