Page 117 of Twin Crowns
Rose lifted a hand to his cheek to find it dry. Shen caught it with his own, moving her hand until his lips met her palm. He gently pressed a kiss there.
“Oh.”A small gasp escaped Rose. She never knew her palm had so much feeling. Shen smiled against it, kissing it again before placing itagainst his chest. His heart thrummed beneath her fingers. She felt the riot of her own heartbeat in her chest, her head suddenly dizzy with desire.
“I don’t think I could ever stay mad at you, Princess.” His smile was slow, revealing the imprint of his dimple. “Honestly, I’m impressed you managed to pull it all off.”
Rose cleared her throat, her words breathier than she intended. “Well, then it’s your fault for underestimating me.”
“Trust me, I won’t make that mistake again.” He dropped his gaze, taking in her outfit. “Huh. I thought people wore fur to keep warm. You must be freezing in this... whatever it is you’re wearing.” Rose didn’t miss the way his throat bobbed. “Don’t get me wrong. I like it....”
She wrapped her arms around herself. “I’ll have you know this is a Gevran ceremonial gown.”
“Some ceremony,” muttered Shen. “And here I thought your nightgown was my favorite of your outfits.”
“Tonight is the Gevran Feast.” Rose continued her attempt at conversation, even as she yearned to feel his lips on her skin again. “It’s all part of the festivities leading up to... the wedding day.”
Shen raised an eyebrow. “You mean...yourwedding day. How is your beloved fiancé, by the way?”
Rose sighed. “If I admit that you were right about me not being in love with Ansel, will you lord it over me forever?”
“Of course.”
“Well. Then all I’ll say is that for... various reasons, Wren and I are going to make sure the wedding does not happen. Ansel is no longer my betrothed.”
Shen didn’t even try to hide his smile. “Doesheknow that?”
Rose bit her lip guiltily. “Not yet.”
“You’ve met your delightful sister, then,” said Shen, flipping the subject before she could dwell on it. “I wish I could have seen that reunion.”
“Fortunately, we both survived the encounter. How are things back in Ortha?”
“Banba is none too pleased that you ran off.”
Rose tried not to flinch. “Well, I have more important things to worry about than my grandmother’s volatile moods.”
“Like dressing up as a seductive wolf and drinking Gevran frostfizz?”
Rose flushed. “I am not dressed as a seductive wolf!”
Shen eyed her outfit again. “As I said, I like it.”
“Oh, do stop teasing me!”
He held up his hands in surrender. “Princess, I’m not lying. You look beautiful. Truly.” He reached out and tucked a wayward curl behind her ear. Rose went very still. “But then I thought you looked beautiful after two days traveling through the Restless Sands.”
Rose’s mouth went dry. “You did?” She shook her head. “Then you must think my sister is beautiful, too.”
Shen’s brow furrowed. “It’s different.You’redifferent.”
“How?” she said warily.
“Wren is my closest friend. I’ll always look out for her and I know she’ll do the same for me, but there’s no spark between us. There never has been. But you, Rose...” He paused, tilting her chin up so she was looking directly into his eyes. “You set me on fire.”
Shen’s words sent such a searing rush of heat through Rose, she thought she might burn up right there in the alcove.
Be wise, she reminded herself.Be wary.
After all, a future queen could not fall for pretty words and flattery.