Page 17 of Twin Crowns
“I need to speak to Willem at once.”
Chapman blinked at her in alarm. “The Kingsbreath’s not taking visitors andcertainlynot ones that aren’t on the schedule!”
“Well, put me on the schedule, then.”
“Oh, and shall I sprout wings while I’m at it?” he scoffed.
Wren glowered at him. “Please tell the Kingsbreath I urgently wish to speak to him about my wedding to Prince Ansel. I have some thoughts.”
Chapman wagged his finger at her. “A girl with too many thoughts in her head is not busy enough with her days,” he chided. “And anyway, today is no good. You’re due to go riding with Celeste in an hour.” He stalled at the bottom of the east tower. “Go up and change. I’ll have the stablehand prepare your horse.”
Wren winced. Celeste was Rose’s best friend. As the daughter of Rathborne’s prized physician, Hector Pegasi, she had grown up in the palace alongside Rose, the two girls fast becoming inseparable. She was going to be the hardest to fool, and after everything Wren had just learned, she was in no fit state to try.
“There’s no need,” she said as she started up the steps. “I’m afraid I’m going to have to cancel. I’ve got a terrible headache.”
The headache’s name was Ansel. She hadn’t come all the way to the palace to betray her sister and steal her life only to end up sharing her crown with some puzzle-obsessed Gevran prince. In the space of an Anadawn afternoon, one thing had become abundantly and unavoidably clear: Wren would sooner feed herself to Elske than bind herself to this man—or any other—for the rest of her life.
With no other choice, Rose followed the bandit deeper into the cave. When the cavern widened out, they came upon a gathering of supplies tucked under a boulder. “Good fortune. Everything is still here.” Shen picked up a leather sack, removing two apples and a hunk of crusty bread. “Ha! And no insects got to it this time!”
Rose’s stomach growled. By now, she was so ravenous she didn’t care that the bread was starting to go stale and the apples were small and mealy.
Shen pulled out some tough pieces of dried meat and bit into one with gusto. “Lamb strips are my favorite. They taste great and last forever.”
He offered one to her.
“I’m surprised you didn’t say it was made from special desert lambs.” Rose held the piece of lamb between her thumb and forefinger as she inspected it. “When you say it lasts forever, exactly how long has this piece of meat been rotting in that bag?”
“Just try a bite.”
She nibbled a bit. “Chewy but... very flavorful. I’ll give you that.Though I don’t think I’ll be requesting it from the Anadawn cooks anytime soon.” Her face suddenly fell. “Oh. The cooks. They’ll be missing me. Most evenings, I go down to the kitchens to try a bit of Cam’s newest creation. He’s the most wonderful baker. He’s always trying new recipes. Lately, he’s been working on a Gevran ice cake, and oh, the trouble he’s having with it.” She smiled at the memory. Some of Rose’s happiest days at Anadawn were spent in its warm kitchens, laughing away the hours with Cam and Celeste. In bed at night, her hair often smelled like icing sugar, and she would fall asleep dreaming of sweet spices from faraway villages. “He’ll get it right, though. He always does.”
Shen frowned. “I’m surprised Gevrans even have desserts. Doesn’t their brutal king hate everything?”
“Watch your tongue,” said Rose, hurtling back out of the memory. “I’m betrothed to the brother of that brutal king.”
Shen spat out a piece of lamb. “You’re BETROTHED?”
“Goodness me. Calm yourself, bandit. Of course I’m betrothed.” Rose tossed her tangled hair out of mild frustration. If only she had a brush with her to make it shine. “Do you really think me so ineligible?”
Shen looked as if he was about to keel over. He sank slowly to the ground.
“I’m a princess,” she went on, smoothing her hopelessly wrinkled nightgown. “Marrying ourselves to other nations for the betterment of our own is what we do.”
Rose had long known that apart from being royal, youth and beauty were her true powers. Willem had taught her that early on. He had been planning her betrothal for as long as she could remember, sorting through potential suitors who would be kind to herandto her kingdom,preparing for the day when she would marry for the good of Eana and have a strong consort by her side to help her rule.
“Wait.” Shen was still trying to make sense of it. “Whoexactly are you marrying?”
“Prince Ansel Felsing, brother to the king of Gevra.” Rose perched on a boulder, relishing the sight of Shen’s deepening frown. Though she couldn’t quite figure out why, she sensed she had gained the upper hand. “I am very lucky to be so well matched.”
She smiled to herself, thinking of the prince. How his blue eyes widened whenever he looked at her—as though she was the most beautiful woman in the world. Rose had loved his easy warmth on their first date and how gingerly he’d held her hand, asking questions about her childhood and laughing at her jokes. She had suspected from his letters that he would make an amenable match, but now that they had finally met each other in person, Rose could imagine them having quite a nice life together.
“I didn’t even know the king had a brother,” said Shen. “Why aren’t you marrying Alarik?”
“Because I am inlovewith Ansel,” said Rose hotly. “The prince is a prize in his own right. And anyway, Alarik has made it quite clear he is not seeking a bride. His thoughts are on other matters.”