Page 25 of Twin Crowns
“My name is Rose,” said Rose wryly. “I know my way around thorns.” And wanting to see that shimmering pool up close, she slipped off the horse and followed Shen as he weaved his way through the prickly shrubs.
The pool sparkled like diamonds, reflecting the night sky. Wisps of steam curled up from the water, beckoning her closer. Rose grinned, seized by an unexpected giddiness as she reached the edge. She had found a hidden treasure in the desert, a place she could never have imagined back at Anadawn. She leaned forward, trying to catch a glimpse of her reflection.
“This is Balor’s Eye. It’s a natural hot spring.” As with everything in the Ganyeve Desert, the bandit sounded momentously proud of it. “In all of Eana, there are only a handful of people who know it exists.”
And now I am one of them, thought Rose proudly.
For I am Eana, and Eana is me.
“It is quite something,” she admitted.
“Just wait until we’re in it.”
Rose came abruptly to her senses. “I’m not getting in there withyou!” she spluttered. “That is... I mean, what...? Who do you think...? I wouldnever. I’m engaged!”
“Calm down, Princess. I’m not trying to besmirch your reputation. I’ll sit on the other side of the spring.” Shen gestured at her sand-mussed nightgown and matted hair. “Unless you’d prefer to go on looking like a dirty desert rat.”
He began to strip off his shirt.
Rose’s eyes widened, then she quickly snapped them shut. Surely the first shirtless man she was meant to see was her husband. But for some reason, in her mind’s eye she couldn’t imagine Ansel in anything but a fashionable doublet or perhaps an exquisitely tailored frock coat.
“I always stop here when I cross the desert. It relaxes my muscles after riding for hours on end,” Shen went on casually, as if they were simply talking about the weather and he wasn’t currently shirtless. Rose peeked out of one eye and quickly shut it again.
Make thatnearly naked.
He was only in his undergarments.Burning stars!
“You can look now.” Shen’s voice was suddenly distant. Rose opened her eyes to find him soaking on the far side of the hot spring, his head tipped back and arms spread wide. He looked obscenely comfortable.
“Well, you enjoy it,” she called out. “I’m fine. More than fine. I’mgreat.I’ll go and wait with Storm.” She gripped her locket as she turned.
“Suit yourself,” said Shen, settling deeper into the steam.
Rose took a step away and then paused. “I am... rather dirty.”
“You are.”
“And sore.” She sighed. “I would really quite like a bath.” Surely Ansel would appreciate the importance of good hygiene. He wasimpeccably kept, after all. And a princess should always be clean. He would understand that. She was Rose Valhart, the famed beauty of Eana, for goodness’ sake! It simply wouldn’t do for her to traipse across the country looking like a bedraggled desert rat, captive or not. Especially if she was hoping to be rescued sometime soon. She couldn’t let her subjects see her in this sorry state. They might not even recognize her!
Her mind made up, Rose dipped a toe in.Oh!It was so warm! “How deep is it?” She flushed. “I can’t swim.”
“As deep as your trust in me,” said Shen.
“It wouldn’t come up to my ankles if that was the truth.”
Shen chuckled. “You’ll be able to stand.” When Rose still hesitated, his expression softened. “There’s no shame in not knowing how to do something, Princess.”
She looked longingly at the steaming water. She was filthier than she’d ever been in her life and sorer than she ever imagined possible. And it wasn’t as if anyone would ever find out.... “Close your eyes. And turn around. I mean it!”
She was surprised when Shen did as she asked. With a deep breath, Rose shed her cloak and then her nightgown. Beneath it she wore a pink chemise and her delicate underthings. Last, she took off her locket and laid it gently on a rock. Oh, Ansel, forgive me.
Rose stepped into the hot spring, inhaling sharply as the water lapped against her skin. She settled into the warmth, making sure to tug her chemise down. She sighed with pleasure.
Shen cleared his throat.
“You may turn around now. But stay on your side,” said Rose.
Shen resettled himself with a grin. “I’ve got to admit, I never thought I’d be bathing with a princess.”