Page 7 of Twin Crowns
The bandit stroked his chin, and Rose could tell he was only pretending to consider her order. “Returning you to the palace would completely defeat the purpose oftaking youfrom the palace in the first place, so I’ll offer you a compromise. My name.” He dropped into a sweeping bow, so low that his forehead almost kissed the sand. “I am Shen Lo.”
Rose looked down at him. “Why have you kidnapped me, Shen Lo? Do you want gold? I can give you gold.” She knew she was worth more than any other person in the land. Much more. She was Eana’s future, after all. That was why she was so closely protected, kept under constant watchful guard.Thoughclearlynot watchful enough, she thought sourly. Now she was all alone in the desert, with only the Protector to watch over her.
If she had to buy her freedom, then she would do so here and swiftly. Before they journeyed any farther into the blistering Ganyeve.
“Well, kidnapper?” she demanded of the bandit who called himselfShen Lo. “Name your price.”
He sighed as he straightened. “I don’t want your money, Princess. And I don’t like the termkidnapper. I’m really more of an accomplice. Shen the middle man. I’m just in charge of getting you from point A to point B.”
Rose tried not to panic at the stark realization that she could not buy her way home. That she had nothing to trade for her freedom.Don’t let him see your fear.“And where, pray tell, is point B?”
“I’ll tell you when we get there,” he said unhelpfully.
“Who are you working for?” pressed Rose.
“We’ve got a long way to go, and we need to cross as much ground as we can before noon,” he went on as if he hadn’t heard her. “We don’t want to be out in the desert when the sun is high. It’s too hot even for me, then.” His brow furrowed as he appraised her. “And you’re already wilting.”
“I amnotwilting,” Rose rasped.
“All the same, we’ve got to reach the Golden Caves by midday.”
“If you don’t take me back, the Kingsbreath will find me,” she threatened. “I have an entire army dedicated to keeping me safe.”
“Well, they’re not doing a very good job,” said Shen pointedly. “Honestly, I was hoping for more of a challenge.”
“When they find me—and theywillfind me—they’ll kill you on sight,” Rose went on as if she hadn’t heard him. “Much better for you if you return me yourself. The Kingsbreath may show you mercy, then.”
Shen spat on the sand. “That filthy rat can keep his mercy. There will be none for him.”
Rose gasped. “You watch your dirty mouth! That is yourKingsbreath! If he heard you speak that way, he’d cut out your tongue. And since he isalsothe closest thing I have to a father, he’d cut off your head first for even daring to kidnap me.”
“He looks more like a captor from where I’m standing. Doesn’t he control your every move?” Shen snorted. “You should thank me for taking you from that tower, Princess.”
Rose’s fear burned up in another flare of anger. “You don’t know what you’re talking about,bandit.” A bead of sweat slid down her temple. It was becoming increasingly difficult to maintain her composure in this merciless heat. “And you clearly know nothing of the suffering you will bring upon yourself if you do not return me to the palace right now.”
Shen’s eyes flashed. “I’m surprised you even know that word:suffering.” They glared at each other a moment. Then he sighed. “As entertaining as it is arguing with you out here, I meant what I said about the high-noon sun. Storm is fast but not that fast. Now get back on the horse.”
Rose took a step away from him. “No.”
He raised his head to the sky. “She’ll be asleep the whole time,” they’d said.How convenient that when the princess wakes a whole day early, there is nobody but me to deal with her.He turned back to Rose. “Don’t make me chase you. It won’t be fun for either of us.”
“My guards are coming for me,” she said, standing her ground. “I’m not going one step farther.”
“Nobody is coming for you. That, I can guarantee.”
Rose was struck by the sureness in his dark eyes. For the first time since she’d woken up on the horse, true dread slithered into her heart. “You’re lying.”
Shen advanced toward her. “Get back on the horse, Princess.”
“Look there!” She pointed over his shoulder. “There’s my Captain of the Guard now.” She started to wave.
Shen looked backward, cursing when he found nothing there. “I can’t believe I fell for that.”
When he turned back, Rose was already scampering down the sand dune in her nightgown. She didn’t have a plan, of course. But her guards must be close now. They couldn’t be that far into the desert, could they? And no matter what the bandit said, the palacewouldcome for her. Her soldiers would scour every inch of Eana with tracking hounds if they had to. All she had to do was distract the bandit long enough for them to arrive.
“Rose! Stop!” Shen was chasing after her on foot, his horse watching bemusedly from atop the dune.
Rose kept running, her feet sinking with every step. She was gaining momentum—much more than she meant to—and as the sands sloped sharply, she lost her balance.