Page 119 of Cursed Crowns
“I know,” said Wren, coming to her feet. She joined him at the window, afraid to ask the next question, but knowing now she must. “Are you still going to punish me for it? Are you going to hurt Banba?”
The king turned to look down at her, his icy gaze reflecting the blizzard outside. He opened his mouth to speak—then frowned—as the ground began to tremble.
Wren screamed as the window shattered. Alarik lunged, shoving her away from the exploding shards. They fell to the floor, frantically crawling between toppling easels and falling canvases. They huddled in the corner, their arms thrown around each other for protection as an avalanche came roaring down the Fovarr Mountains and crashed, full force, into Grinstad Palace.
Sweat dripped down Rose’s face and pooled under her dress as she swayed on Storm’s back, trying to keep her eyes open. She’d been riding for hours, through the night and into the morning, trusting Storm to lead her home. Finally, just as dawn broke, they had reached the edge of the desert. The sand there petered out into rocky earth, strewn with spiky shrubs and gnarled trees.
They found the Kerrcal Road and followed it east, toward Anadawn.
When the Eshlinn woods appeared in the distance, Rose nearly sagged with relief. She had escaped Kai and survived the arid desert, and now, at last, she was home. Up ahead, the treetops were shining red and gold. Rose smiled, thinking the rising sun had cast them in its amber glow, but as she drew closer, she began to smell smoke. Charcoal plumes filled the dawning sky, casting ash over the forest like raindrops.
Horror guttered inside Rose as she tasted it on her tongue.
The Eshlinn woods were on fire.
There was no way around the forest—the only way forward was through the trees. Storm trod as far from the flames as possible, but thesmoke still found Rose, and her eyes streamed as they galloped, hard and fast, toward the palace.
They passed hundreds of arrows embedded in the trees, some tangled in the branches, while others were still flaming at the tip. Rose’s chest tightened as she realized this was no accident. Barron had set fire to her woods. The Arrows were getting close to Anadawn, and he wanted her to know it.
At last, Rose crossed the east perimeter of the Eshlinn woods and spied the golden gates up ahead. A baying crowd had gathered around them. There were at least fifty people, all dressed in red tunics.
She scanned the group as she drew closer. There was no sign of Barron, or the vicious-looking Arrows from Ellendale. These dissenters had come on foot and, mercifully, most appeared to be unarmed.
Rose pushed her hood back. “Open the gates!”
The Anadawn guards leaped into action. The archers on the ramparts pointed at the crowd. “Make way for the queen!” shouted the foot soldiers, wielding their swords as they opened the gates. “Queen Rose has returned!”
“It’s the witch queen!” shouted one of the Arrows. “Look at her sniveling face!”
“Grab her!”
“Pull her down!”
“Shame on you,” Rose cried, as she forced her way through. “I’m Queen Rose, and you’ve known me all my life.”
A clump of dirt flew, hitting her cheek.
“Queen Rose, the ragged!” they yelled. “The soulless!”
“Witches have no place in this kingdom!”
“Barron is coming for you! We will march with him!”
A hand shot out and gripped Rose’s ankle.
An archer on the rampart fired, the telltale green feathers streaking through the air before striking her assailant in the shoulder. He dropped to the ground, where Storm narrowly avoided trampling him. Rose cleared the rest of the crowd as they fell back, her heart hammering as she vaulted through the golden gates. They slammed shut behind her, but she could still hear the Arrows’ cries.
Rose spotted Captain Davers in the fray. “Davers, where on earth have you been? Disperse those troublemakers before someone else gets hurt!”
“Of course, Your Majesty,” he said, slowly drawing his sword. His eyes darted around. “You should get inside at once.”
“That’s exactly what I’m trying to do.” Rose’s heart sank as she glanced over her shoulder at the raging crowd and the smoking woods beyond. This was far from the welcome home she had been hoping for.
Rose didn’t spare a moment to change out of her filthy dress before rushing to the throne room, where Chapman and Thea were waiting for her.