Page 137 of Cursed Crowns
“Have you... oh, I don’t know... brewed any storms lately?”
“I’m not a tempest. You know that.” A pause, then. Celeste narrowed her eyes. “What’s going on with you? What happened here the other day?”
“A lot, actually,” said Wren, and to her horror, before she could evenbroach the topic of her grandmother, her voice broke.
Celeste’s face softened. She reached out to trace the streak of silver in Wren’s hair. Then she did something utterly unexpected. She grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her close, the hug so unexpected a sob burst out of Wren. “I already know about Banba,” she murmured. “And I’m sorry, Wren. I really am.”
Wren pulled back, wiping her cheeks on her sleeve. “Did the starcrests show you that, too?”
Celeste pressed her lips together. “Hetold me.”
Wren blinked. “Who?”
“Alarik,” said Celeste in a low voice, as though the name itself was dangerous. “He sent an escort to fetch me down at the docks. I was waiting on Marino’s ship, trying to figure out a way to get you out of here. I suppose the king had his spies on us all along.”
“I don’t understand.”
Celeste sighed. “Neither do I. But we can muddle it out on the way home. We’ve wasted enough time already. There are things I have to tell you, too.”
The king’s royal sled was waiting for them in front of the palace. Queen Valeska, who was taking her morning walk, smiled at Wren as she passed by. Wren waved at the dowager queen before climbing onto the sled. Celeste noticed the exchange but said nothing.
This time, Wren rode up front, the winter wind feathering her cheeks as the wolves pulled them away from King Alarik and the rest of his deadly beasts.
And yet, as they rode down the long driveway of Grinstad Palace, Wren swore she could feel the king’s eyes on them. Only when theyreached the black gates did she glance over her shoulder to see a distant shadow standing on the balcony.
Celeste noticed that, too.
Wren ignored her look of disapproval. She traced the silver streak in her hair, then pulled her hood up, setting her mind on home. “Tell me about Eana, Celeste.”
“Very well.” Celeste cleared her throat. “But fair warning, Wren, you’re not going to like it...”
Wren sat back and listened, her anger burning brighter with every word.
Marino Pegasi’s ship was already in the dock when they arrived at midnight. If the captain was surprised by their royal mode of transport, he didn’t show it. He simply threw his arms out in welcome as they climbed on board. “Welcome back, Miss Tilda. Better late than never!”
“Your darling Lessie came to my rescue,” said Wren, summoning a smile for the genial captain. “Thanks for waiting for me.”
Celeste rolled her eyes. “I forgot how annoying you both are when you’re together. I’m going belowdecks to find some food. I’m famished.”
Wren waved her off, falling into step with Marino as they crossed the deck. TheSiren’s Secretwas a hive of activity, the crew hoisting the sails and unmooring the ship as they prepared to set sail. “Got any rum on board?”
Marino chuckled. “Does it snow in Gevra?”
“Good,” said Wren. “I could use a strong drink right now.”
“I gather it’s been a rough few weeks,” said Marino.
Wren nodded absently. “Though I expect the worst is still ahead.”
Marino sent a swabbie belowdecks to fetch a bottle of his finest rum.When she returned to the bow, Wren took the bottle and untwisted the cap, pouring a shot out for Banba. Then she took a generous swig for herself.
“Aren’t you going to share that?” said Marino, coming to join her once they had cleared the Death Crevasse.
Wren passed him the bottle. “Any luck with your mermaid yet?”
The captain shook his head before drinking deeply. “No matter. I’m a patient man.”
“And a fool for love.”