Page 141 of Burning Crowns
‘I see.’ Rose grinned, flicking her gaze to Wren. ‘Well, perhaps you might find yourself a new position soon enough, Tor. In the meantime, I think I’ll take dear Elske on a stroll around the palace.It’s been far too long since we’ve seen each other.’
‘Thank you,’ said Wren, tugging Tor with her, up one flight of stairs and then another, until they reached the west tower. Wren shut her bedroom door behind them and stood with her back against it, feeling suddenly nervous.
Tor stood across from her in a puddle of moonlight.
‘Don’t look at me like that,’ she murmured. ‘I might melt.’
He held her gaze. ‘I am yours to command, Wren.’
‘Do you mean it?’
He nodded. ‘It’s been that way long before tonight.’
She heaved a breath. ‘Take off your clothes.’
He removed his sword, tossing it aside. And his boots, one and then another.
Wren swallowed. ‘Don’t forget your shirt.’
‘As you wish.’
Wren’s breath fluttered as he undid the top button of his shirt. ‘Wait.’
He froze. ‘What is it?’
‘It’s you. This. Us.’ Wren’s heartbeat thundered in her ears, but she couldn’t go another minute without knowing what he wanted, what lay beyond the promise of tonight. ‘Why have you come here?’
He blinked in confusion. ‘Don’t you know?’
‘I mean, what will you do after tonight?’ she said. ‘Will you leave again?’
He held her gaze, showing her the full storm of his desire. ‘What would you have me do, Wren?’ he said, hoarsely.
‘Stay,’ she said. ‘I would have you stay.’
He blew out a breath.
Embarrassment roared in her ears. ‘Unless you intend to return to Gevra. I don’t wish to—’
‘I intend to stay.’ He dropped his hands, leaving his shirt half open. ‘I won’t pretend I didn’t come here for you, Wren. That I didn’t dream of your face every night this past month, imagining all the things I wanted to say to you, all the things I wanted to do with you. But I’m no fool. I know you’re a queen and your kingdom must come first. You have duties that extend far beyond …’ He trailed off, searching for the right word.
‘Love?’ said Wren.
He smiled. ‘I only mean that Elske and I intend to make our own way in this kingdom. You don’t owe us anything. We will find our place.’
Wren understood, then. Tor had come to Eana because he loved her, but he did not wish to burden her with his presence either. Even now, after giving up everything he knew in Gevra, he was putting her needs ahead of his own, slowing his pace to match hers.
But Wren wanted to run headlong into love with Tor. Into forever. And she wanted him to know it.
‘What if your place is here at Anadawn?’ she said. ‘With me?’
He drew a breath, hope catching in the air between them.
‘You know, there are beasts in Eana, too,’ she went on. ‘Great brown bears and hunting wolves. Mountain lions and the most magnificent elk. I was thinking we could start training them. It would do no harm to strengthen our army, especially after the events of the last several months.’ She bit her lip, suddenly worried that he might rebuff the idea, that she had made a fool of herself for even suggesting it. ‘That is, of course, if you knew a wrangler that might be—’
‘I know a wrangler.’
Her cheeks flushed. ‘I’ve always thought you looked particularly good in green.’