Page 44 of Burning Crowns
Wren stood up, laying a cautionary hand on Tor’s arm. ‘I know it’s tempting, but we can’t bury the prince of Caro in a shallow grave. It would be a diplomatic disaster.’
‘Not for me,’ said Tor, who was still glaring at the prince.
‘Perhaps not,’ reasoned Wren. ‘But I’m pretty sure Rose would implode from the stress.’
It was precisely at this moment that Rose’s voice rang out. ‘WREN!’ she yelled, running barefoot past the smoking stables, dressed only in her nightgown. ‘What’s going on? Are you all right?’
With great reluctance, Tor tossed the shovel aside. ‘Lucky wretch.’
‘We’ll see,’ said Wren.
Felix whimpered.
After Rose failed to find a weapon in the tunnels of Anadawn, she set about planning her imminent trip to the Sunkissed Kingdom. She didn’t want to go on her own, and with Wren embarking on her own journey, Rose had decided on the perfect travelling partner.
‘Of course I’ll come with you!’ Celeste squealed when Rose invited her. ‘I’ve been dying to see the Palace of Eternal Sunlight since you first told me about it.’
It was late evening, and they were meeting in the palace baths, where there was no risk of anyone overhearing them while Rose filled Celeste in on everything that had transpired since Oonagh had crashed into her bedroom at midnight, and Wren had returned from her trip to Sharkfin Point. Despite the grim tidings, Rose was glad to be alone with her best friend. It had been far too long since they had sat in this beautiful bathing hall, with its dramatic domed ceiling and mosaicked walls, gossiping and laughing in the steam.
‘You should have said something earlier. Shen would have gladly welcomed you as his guest,’ said Rose, as she lowered herself deeper in the water, making sure to wash away all the grime and dust from the tunnels. ‘You don’t need to wait for an excuse to go.’
Celeste, who was sitting across from her on the edge of the marbled basin, raised her eyebrows. ‘It seems as if you were the one waiting for an excuse.’
Rose flushed, and it wasn’t due to the temperature of the water. ‘Well, I couldn’t exactly abandon my throne to gallivant across the desert just to …’
‘Romance Shen?’ Celeste needled. ‘Of course you could. You’re the queen.’
‘Which means I haveroyal duties.’ Rose gave her friend a bashful smile. ‘And as it happens, now those royal duties necessitate me travelling post-haste to our nearest, and dare I saydearest, allies to discuss a very important and highly clandestine piece of news.’
‘I do love a clandestine mission,’ said Celeste, thoughtfully.
Rose wrung her hands, feeling a sudden swell of nerves. ‘I just wish I was going with better news. Other than the whole, “Sorry my evil ancestor is back from the dead and has a vendetta against me, my sister and our entire country, which she intends to destroy if we don’t give it up, which means we’re going to war, so I need to borrow one of your deadly witch-made weapons and also your army. Again.”’
Celeste swished her toes in the water. ‘The Sunkissed Kingdom may be its own sovereign nation, but Shen will fight for you. And so will the witches. You know that.’
Rose lay back in the water until she was floating. She gazed up at the mosaic above them, which was, rather fittingly, of a desert sunset. Being able to swim was still a novelty to her. After her near drowning in the Ortha Sea, Shen had insisted on teaching her how. Rose hadn’t wanted anyone to see, so their lessons had taken place in secret over Yulemas when he had come to visit her and Wren at Anadawn.
Every night, they’d sneaked out of the palace and gone down to the Silvertongue River, giggling as they’d picked their way through the reeds. The secrecy of it had been part of the fun. Of course Rose knew Wren was feigning ignorance about her nightly excursions with Shen, but for that she was grateful.
Rose was grateful to Shen, too, for his kindness and patience. He had been sure to find the gentlest stretch of river, and hadn’t once laughed at her fear, only encouraged her to tread deeper as her confidence grew. On the final night of his visit, Rose had been able to swim across the river on her own. Shen had met her on the other side of the riverbank, whooping with pride. Then he slipped right into the water and kissed her deeply under the light of the Yule moon.
In her heart, Rose knew that Shen Lo cared for her, but she didn’t know how much she could ask of him. What was evenfairto ask of him.
‘He’d do anything for you,’ said Celeste, reading the anxiety on her face. ‘He’ll be there, Rose, however you need him to be. We all will.’
Rose stared at the golden sun above her and sighed. ‘I hope so.’
Rose woke early the following morning, her heart racing at the thought of her upcoming journey, and the king she would find at the other end of it. She yawned and stretched, before going to open the window to welcome the stirring morning breeze.
That’s when she saw the smoke.
Her heart leaped into her throat as she realized where it was coming from. The royal stables were on fire.
With a strangled shout, Rose bolted from her room and raced down the tower stairs, caught in such a panic, she didn’t even bother to put on her shoes or reach for her dressing gown. By the time she reached the stables, breathless and barefoot, there were soldiers and witches everywhere, and the raging fire was no more.