Page 52 of Burning Crowns
‘Name and country,’ repeated the first footman. ‘So His Majesty knows who you are.’
‘Shen knows who I am,’ said Rose, frostily.
‘KingShen,’ corrected the other footman. ‘And of course he does. He invited you here, did he not?’ The men chuckled at the very idea of someone appearing uninvited at the gates.
Celeste joined in with their forced laughter. ‘Yes, of course,’ she said, summoning a smile. ‘How else would one be presented if not formally? I am Lady Celeste Pegasi and this isQueen Rose Valhart.’ She paused, meaningfully. ‘Of Eana. I trust you’re both familiar with Eana?’
The footman balked at Rose. ‘I …oh …’
The other looked through his scroll, frantically searching for their names.
Celeste deftly batted it away. ‘Surely there’s no need for such formalities.’
There came another burst of raucous applause from deep within the maze of the city walls. ‘It sounds as if someone is making quite the impression!’said Celeste, sliding off her horse. ‘We should go and see for ourselves.’
Rose followed suit, trying not to show her annoyance as she sashayed past them. ‘Good evening, gentlemen.’
Rose deftly wound her way through the familiar maze of stone paths, drawing ever closer to the commotion in the heart of the city. The streets were utterly deserted, making her feel even more off-kilter. Or perhaps it was the conversation with Shen’s footmen that had made her uneasy. She had been so confused, she had not even thought to ask them if they had felt the desert quake.
‘Are you all right?’ asked Celeste, quickening to match her pace.
‘Nothing is making any sense!’ said Rose. ‘The footman said that Shen had sent out invitations. But to what, exactly?’
And why did I not receive one?she thought, too embarrassed to voice her hurt aloud.
‘I’m sure we’ll find out,’ said Celeste. ‘Look at those giant sand statues! This must be the path we’re meant to take.’
They hurried over, and Rose laughed when they reached the first statue. ‘It looks just like Shen! It even has his dimple!’ The statues had clearly been crafted with enchantment magic, each one so detailed they almost appeared to be breathing.
‘If that’s Shen, then who’sshe?’ said Celeste, moving on to the next one.
Rose frowned as she studied the statue. She was a buxom woman with a five-pointed crown on her head and hair so long it nearly reached the ground.
‘Strange,’ she murmured. ‘She has the crest of Demarre on her dress. And that woman next to her, she’s wearing a honey-drop flower on her gown.Isn’t that the symbol of Krale?’ Rose pointed to another nearby statue, a gasp catching in her throat. ‘Goodness! Is that Princess Anika?’
‘FromGevra?’ Celeste inspected it. ‘Stars, I think you’re right! I’d recognize that wicked smile anywhere.’
‘Oh, you would, would you?’ said Rose, playfully nudging her friend. Then she frowned as another cheer rang out across the city. ‘This is allextremelypuzzling.’
‘Indeed,’ said Celeste, still gazing at the sand statue of Anika.
‘Stop making eyes at the statue, Celeste. We need to get to the square.’ Rose pulled her friend along until they reached the end of the path, where they nearly bumped into a young girl who was using her magic to whirl a new statue from a nearby pile of sand. The witch glanced up as they approached. ‘Oh! Hello!’ She beamed. ‘You must be here for the King’s Choice. I’m afraid I don’t have time to carve your sculpture right now but if you come back tomorrow morning, I’ll add you to the gallery.’
Rose didn’t like the sound of whatever the ‘King’s Choice’ was meant to be, and she was getting impatient. As another cheer rattled through the night, she simply nodded and smiled, hurrying past the witch and into the square.
A large crowd was gathered there, everyone cheering and whooping so loudly, Rose had to stand on her tiptoes to see what they were looking at.
The courtyard was lavishly decorated. Hundreds of red and gold lanterns floated over the revellers, while trailing garlands hung with glowing flowers were strung across the walls. Long wooden tables covered with what looked to be the leftovers from a decadent feast lined the perimeter of the square, while the crowd clustered around the central dais that held a row of eight golden chairs.On each chair sat a woman, each wearing a crown. Rose frowned, recognizing the women from their sand sculptures.
Her frown deepened at the sound of a familiar laugh. Shen,herShen, was standing in front of this row of preening women,laughing.
A loud voice echoed above the din. ‘From the kingdom of Vask, we welcome Princess Ida.’ A short woman with pale skin and curly red hair stood and curtsied. She wore a teal velvet gown pinned with hundreds of crystals.
‘Vask?’ Celeste whispered in Rose’s ear. ‘Vask is beyond even Gevra! How did a princess from the northern continent travel through Eana without us knowing?’
‘I have no idea,’ Rose whispered back. ‘But I intend to find out.’
The princess of Vask curtsied again, this time towards Shen, who bowed and kissed her hand.