Page 63 of Burning Crowns
The man beamed back at her before eagerly taking her hand. ‘With pleasure, Your Majesty.’
He expertly spun her, and when he twirled her back to him Rose made sure to laugh, breathily. ‘How skilled you are, sir.’
She could feel the heat of Shen’s gaze on her as she twirled once more, her dress shifting to reveal her legs.
When they next switched partners, Rose found herself dancing with a beautiful witch she recognized from the Battle of Anadawn, who wore a flowing pink gown and a delicate pearl hairband, and after her, a stern-faced dancer from the Krale delegation, before finding herself again in Shen’s arms.
‘You always drive me to distraction,’ he said, in a low whisper. ‘I love watching you dance.’
‘Just not enough to invite me to your ball,’ Rose said, through a clenched smile.
‘Of course I invited you,’ said Shen, frowning in confusion. ‘I’ve been waiting for you all evening.’
‘You certainly didn’t look all that impatient before,’ said Rose, refusing to be taken in so easily. For all she knew, he was putting it on to placate her, and she had been made a fool of once already tonight. She glanced around and saw that Celeste had indeed found Anika, and now both girls were dancing, only they weren’t following the traditional steps. Instead, they were twirling each other round and round, refusing to switch partners. Celeste was laughing, truly laughing, and the sound of her happiness at least made this evening somewhat bearable. ‘So, why don’t you tell me what the King’s Choice isexactly?’
Shen’s face fell, guilt tugging at his jaw. ‘It’s a silly tradition, Rose. I didn’t know exactly what was involved, as I’ve never been to one.’ At Rose’s unimpressed expression, he went on, desperately trying to explain himself. ‘My royal council insisted it would be a good idea to throw open our gates and make ourselves known on a grander stage, not to mention it would be a clever way to establish diplomatic ties. And I trust my advisors, just as my father did.’
Rose arched a brow. How ludicrous for a king not to know the goings-on in his own kingdom!
‘Whatpreciselydid you think the King’s Choice was?’ she said, icily.
‘I thought it would be a party. And I thought you would be here. Since you were invited.’
‘And what about the performances? The show?’
‘Thatshowwas for my kingdom,’ said Shen, sweeping a hand through his hair. His cheeks were flushed with embarrassment, and Rosealmostbelieved him. ‘I’m doing my best not to offend anyone. It’s just politics. All of it. You must understand, Rose.’
‘Youmust understand this, Shen Lo,’ said Rose, rising to her tiptoes so they were eye to eye. His words might have sounded sincere but she was far too hurt – and worse, embarrassed – to consider them. ‘You have made a fool of me and I will not stand for it.’
Shen’s hands tightened on her waist. ‘Rose,youmade a fool ofme. How do you think I felt, waiting all night for you? You never even replied to the invitation!’
‘How many times do I need to tell you? I never received one!’ Rose said, pressing her hands against his chest to shove him away but instead finding herself caught in his night-dark gaze.
‘Well, then it’s my word against yours,’ he said.
‘Says the thief.’
‘Says the king.’ Shen spun her around and then pulled her back to him, pressing his hand against the small of her back. ‘Please. I’ve been waiting all night to dance with you.’ Suddenly it was all too much for Rose. His hands, strong and familiar on her body. His breath, soft against the shell of her ear. The hard planes of his chest, the heat of him moving against her. Her silk gown was so thin, it felt as if he was caressing her bare skin.
She ached to feel his hands on her skin, his lips against hers. She ached for all of him alone in a place where they could not be interrupted.
This time, when the key changed, Shen guided Rose away from the dance floor. He led her to a spot at the edge of the courtyard, where they could still see the dancers but nobody could hear them.
‘Rose, please listen,’ he said, his voice ragged. ‘The Sunkissed Kingdom has its own traditions and I’m still learning them. I only wished to honour what the kings of the past have done.’ He laughed at the very idea of it. ‘I’m just relieved Wren didn’t show up with you. We both know she would never let me live this embarrassing spectacle down.’
‘Well, now you’ll never know if either of us can swallow a sword.’
Shen grinned at her quip, but then his expression grew serious. ‘All I want is to be a good king, Rose. The kind my mother and father would be proud of.’ His vulnerability cracked Rose’s resolve. She knew it to be true – this desire to make his family proud, this fear that he would fall short.
She raised her hand to his cheek. ‘Shen, you are a good king.I’ve never been so certain of anything.’ Then she dropped her hand, looking away. ‘Though I am less certain about other things now …’
He frowned. ‘Like what?’
‘Like you and me,’ she said, stepping back. ‘I saw how you watched the other women up there. How you applauded their talents and appreciated their beauty. How you gazed longingly at the queen of Krale as she performed her love song!’
‘That’s because I was thinking of you!’ he said, as though it was supposed to be obvious.
Rose folded her arms. ‘What about the sword lady?’