Page 70 of Burning Crowns
Shen snorted. ‘I hear you’ve been hosting Prince Felix of Caro,’ he said, pointedly. ‘How is that any different?’
‘It is different becauseIam not giving Prince Felix false hope,’ she snapped. ‘I’ll have you know I have been rebuffing his advances, as easily and as often as swatting fruit flies in summer! And thank goodness, because Prince Felix has turned out to be a truly terrible palace guest.’ She stiffened as she remembered his confession about how he had gone through her post. And then there was that crumpled paper in his fist … Oh! Shen had invited her to the party after all.Oh dear. Well, there were more important things to discuss with him now; she didn’t need to tell him right at this moment that she had been in the wrong.
Shen bristled. ‘What do you mean? Has he threatened you? Hurt you?’
‘I’m fine,’ said Rose. ‘But he lit the stables on fire this morning.’
‘He didwhat?’
‘I handled it. Well. Along with Wren. And Captain Iverson.’
‘The Gevran? What’s he doing at Anadawn?’ Shen’s frown deepened. ‘Rose. What else aren’t you telling me?’
‘That is why I’m here!’ said Rose, exasperatedly. ‘I’ve come to tell you everything!’ She glanced around. ‘But not here. Is there somewhere more private we can go?’
Shen raised a suggestive brow.
Rose whacked him on the arm. ‘Shen! This is serious!’
‘I’m being serious,’ he said. Then he took her by the hand, and this time, she let him. ‘This way,’ he said. ‘I know just the place. I’ve been meaning to show it to you.’
Rose knew she should be asking Shen to take her to the armoury straight away, but her curiosity was piqued. A part of her wanted to stay in this moment with Shen a little while longer, and pretend that disaster wasn’t knocking at their door. Once she told him about Oonagh, well, that would make it real. And she wasn’t quite ready for that. She’d tell him once they were in private together, she reasoned with herself. Surely ten minutes wouldn’t make a difference. ‘How did you manage to get away from Elladora?’ said Rose, as they walked.
‘I thanked her for the dance and told her I looked forward to our kingdoms trading together,’ said Shen. ‘Then I ran like the wind before she could catch me again.’
Rose bit back her smile.
Shen slipped between two overhanging hedges and pushed open a creaking gate, leading Rose down a path she’d never seen before. Soon, they arrived at a low glass building that seemed to go on forever. It was filled with thousands of plants that sprawled and pressed against the windows, as if they were peering out at them.
‘Is this a greenhouse?’ said Rose.
‘Of sorts,’ said Shen, leading her inside, where the air was warm and humid. ‘I’ve been learning more about the Sunkissed Kingdom. About our treasures. Our history. To me, this place is the most magical in the entire city. It’s because of this place that my kingdom was able to grow food beneath the desert. Despite not having a true sun, they were able to create life here. To sustain it.’ Shen gestured to an endless row of orange and lemon trees.‘The plants here have thrived, despite adversity. The same is true of my people.’
‘It’s extraordinary.’ Rose marvelled at the troughs of vegetables and the trees hanging overhead. She spied bright red chilli peppers and bulbs of garlic and onions.
They followed the citrus trees deeper into the greenhouse. Far above the trees, beyond the glass, the stars looked bigger than ever, their brightness magnified by the arched roof.
‘The last time I was in Anadawn I stole something from you.’
‘Spoken like a true bandit.’ Rose glanced sidelong at him, surprised to see that he was serious. ‘What did you take?’
He smiled, then. ‘A rose clipping from your garden.’
‘You stole from the royal gardens of Anadawn?’ She clucked her tongue. ‘Chapman would be very displeased.’
‘And you? Are you angry at me?’
‘For stealing a flower? No.’ Her face fell, as she thought of her beloved rose garden that had been ruined by Oonagh. They turned a corner and Rose stopped in her tracks. A towering rose bush stood before her, covered in crimson blooms. ‘Oh,’ she whispered, her eyes misting. ‘It’s beautiful.’
‘That’s part of the magic of this place,’ said Shen. ‘We can grow anything in any season, and quickly, too, with the right care. When I became King, there were no roses in this entire kingdom, and I wanted something to remind me of you.’
Rose trailed her finger against the soft petals. ‘I love it.’
Shen turned to her, his gaze full of longing. She let him brush a strand of hair behind her ear, her heart fluttering as he traced her jaw with his thumb.‘Now it’s the second most beautiful thing in this greenhouse.’
As he gazed at her with those night-dark eyes, Rose felt like a melting candle. Burning bright but still soft and pliable, as if he could mould her in his hands if he wanted.
Shen traced her bottom lip, gently tugging her mouth open. She closed her eyes as he leaned in, pressing his mouth to hers. She sighed with pleasure as their tongues met, losing herself in the heat of his kiss. She ran her hands up his arms, revelling in the feel of their strength as they tightened around her waist.