Page 6 of Imprisoned Obsession
Our first meeting came off too strong, and that was my fault. I could have used chloroform to knock her out. Or a needle, but that would have meant leaving a mark on her beautifully flushed skin.
I wanted to preserve her flawlessness. But the moment my hand went around her delicate neck, I was smitten by the fear in her eyes.
A brand showing my ownership won’t hurt anyone.
Certainly not me.
It was for her own good. She wasn’t cooperating with me. I only wanted to help her, but she seemed to believe I went out of my way to hunt her down.
Yes, I did follow the ambulance. I did sneak into her hospital room. I did stand there admiring her quivering pink lips.
However, I did not end the life of her friend to hurt Willa.
I believe her name was Janice, judging by the electric bill on the dining room table. Janice didn’t serve much purpose in Willa’s life other than enabling her reluctance to change.
I can help her. I can help my pretty darling to become a masterpiece.
I read people fairly well. I know my darling has it in her to be her best; she simply needs a push in the right direction.
Her friend was only holding her back. I could not allow that grave error to continue.
The moment I saw Willa, I knew we are cut from the same cloth. We are the same; she just doesn’t see it yet.
I know everything about her. I have a file on her, after all. She was blissfully ignorant of the danger lurking in my mind every time I followed her.
Her schedule didn’t allow for much deviation. She went to her classes in the morning, headed home to change for work, and then returned straight home again after her shift, only to repeat it all the next morning.
She had no social life and no friends other than Janice, making her utterly reckless in my eyes.
I was able to successfully dig into her life and take her away because she was on a strict schedule with no friends paying attention to her.
Last night she came home early, disrupting my plans for keeping her safe. I did consider possible work shift changes or early dismissal from class. But I did not anticipate she would spontaneously come home with a cake as the first responders reported.
I will learn from that mistake and do better next time.
I have spent a significant amount of time learning about her, even though I am an older man and she is a very young woman.
My morals were distorted long before I laid eyes on her beautiful innocence with a purity my hands will shred.
Legally, it’s a crime to stalk someone.
But it’s not really any different than being a private investigator. I was simply studying her from a distance without having a proper license.
Running a finger over her picture in my file, I trace the curve of her face. Putting the file back in a drawer, I can recite all the information in my sleep.
An email notification catches my eye, and I scan the message from a professor canceling class.
Getting past her electronic security didn’t require hacking since her passwords were easy to guess.
I took it upon myself to install strong protective measures on her devices and secured her banking information with a VPN. All paid in full by me.
If she’s not going to protect herself adequately by my standards, I must do it for her.
Logging out of her email, I glance at my watch as I stand to leave the office.
The drug should have worn off about an hour ago, give or take thirty minutes. The dosage had been carefully measured to reduce the risk since she is a small girl.
Her body is not meant to ingest such a strong drug.