Page 15 of Gentle Fox
Annalee still didn't look at me as she scurried to the far side of the bed, and I used the time to go into the bathroom to try and clear my head. I wasn't a shy kind of guy. I didn't get flustered easily and I’d never had problems talking to women. I didn't consider myself a ladies’ man but growing up with five sisters meant there wasn't much that embarrassed me.
And believe me, they tried.
The fact that not only was I feeling shy and uncomfortable, but I was having difficulties talking, was new to me. Annalee had me tied in knots and I wasn't sure how I felt about it.
I took my time getting ready for bed. I brushed my teeth for longer than the two required minutes. I washed my face, which was something I never did, but considering I was on the road all day, I should've showered, but the thought of doing so with Annalee just in the other room didn't sit well with me. Instead, I wiped my body down, and when I felt like I was hitting the amount of time that was no longer sociably acceptable, I exited the bathroom.
Annalee was on the far side of the mattress, practically hugging the edge, and that was when I realized what an asshole I was. I was doing nothing to make the situation more comfortable for her.
"You don't need to hang off the bed. I promise it's big enough."
"I'm good," she was quick to answer. "I prefer to sleep like this."
I doubted that but now didn't seem like the best time to call her out on being a liar. I settled on the other side of the bed rather than the middle like I normally slept. I was used to sleeping in strange places, so not having my normal spot was fine.
"Good night, Annalee."
"Night." The whisper of the word came out a minute later and I resigned myself to the fact that I would be getting another night of very little sleep.
The image of Annalee's ass in the tiny shorts was the last thing I remembered before sleep pulled me under.
Well,I think it’s safe to say Annalee didn't know the meaning of personal space and neither did I. At some point in the middle ofthe night, I gravitated to my usual spot in the middle of the bed and Annalee's declaration that she slept on the edge of the bed had, indeed, proven to be a lie. Just like I assumed it was.
She was currently wrapped around me like an octopus. One arm was slung over my pecs while the other somehow slipped under my neck. Her one leg was tangled up with mine and the other was hiked dangerously close to my very stiff cock that was all but begging her to move just an inch higher so the damn thing could get a little action.
I tried to mentally remind my body that, while Annalee was the one cuddled up, she didn't do it consciously. In fact, I was ninety-nine percent positive that as soon as she woke up, she would be scrambling her ass as far away from me as possible.
I was about to find out how well I knew her.
Shit! I knew even before I fully woke up from the best sleep of my life that I was no longer hugging the edge of the bed. Not unless the soft mattress I fell asleep on suddenly became rock hard and had transformed from linen sheets to cotton.
And I didn't even have the pleasure of pretending I was only a little close and could maybe shimmy back enough to put some space between us.
Nope, my traitorous body was wrapped around him. I mean full-body contact from the tip of my head all the way down to my toes. I don't think there was a single part of me that wasn't touching him.
Oh, and he was awake. I'm not sure how I knew that considering he wasn't touching me back but he was definitely awake.
Fuck, he wasn't touching me back!
That meant he wasn't happy that I invaded his space and he was probably trying to figure out a way to slide out from under me without waking me up.
Too bad I was already awake and would carry the shame of what I did for eternity.
In a moment of panic, I hiked my knee up. I have no idea why my leg went in that direction but it did, causing me to crush Owen's balls in the process.
"Fuck, I'm sorry!"
Then several things happened at the same time.
Owen groaned and not the good kind either. I lifted my head to apologize for the second time but managed to ram my head into his jaw instead.
So now my head hurt. Owen was cupping his chin with one hand and his balls with the other. I was tangled up in the blankets and trying desperately to free myself, but as one might guess, I wasn't being successful.
The whole thing would be funny if I was reading it in a rom-com, but because it was happening to me, there was nothing funny about how my flailing body was twisted up in sheets that may or may not have a mind of their own.