Page 28 of Gentle Fox
The rest of the team might be used to keeping unusual hours but there was no way I could look at the computer screen in front of me for another minute. Eight hours was too much and my eyes were begging me for relief. I hoped this job came with something other than computer work because otherwise I was going to be losing my mind within a week. I loved a challenge but sitting behind a desk wasn't for me.
"You ready to get out of here for the day?"
I pushed my chair back and sighed in relief. "Yes! How did you know?"
"Mav might've mentioned your shoulders drooping more the last thirty minutes."
I rolled the body part we were discussing to relieve some of the stiffness. No wonder people with office jobs had such poor posture. It was hard to sit up straight all day and not be sore.
"Oh good, so I won't have to tell him that sitting behind a desk all day won't cut it."
Owen chuckled. "Don't worry, he knows that. He already mentioned having you do other jobs that will get you moving around more."
Thank goodness. I grabbed my small handbag and walked out the front door with Owen at my side. The little chime reminded me that everyone inside knew when people came and went. There was no such thing as privacy in that office.
"Did you want to head straight home?" Owen asked as we stepped outside.
I looked up and down Main Street. I wasn't ready to spend another evening alone with Owen in his one-floor house, but my options were limited. The sign for the bookstore caught my eye and I bit my lip.
What were the odds Owen wouldn't mind a little pit stop first? He was an avid reader, so surely he wouldn't be bored.
"Actually, do you mind if we stop at the Book Boudoir before we head home?"
His answer was to put a hand on my lower back and guide me that way. Excitement grew the closer we got to the building. Owen's collection of books was impressive for a man but I was itching to see what the store offered. Based on the name, I would think a majority of the titles would be romance but I was curious to see if other books were offered as well. I loved romance the most, but was willing to read just about anything.
A similar chime to the one at our office went off as we walked through the door.
"Welcome to the Book Boudoir!” a sweet voice yelled from somewhere in the back of the store. “Feel free to look around. I'll be out shortly to see if you need any help."
Okay, so maybe the bell wasn’t the worst thing to have. I just hated it in my place of employment.
"Wow, this place is gorgeous."
The blues and pinks from the sign outside carried over into the space. The shelves were bright in color and packed with thousands of books. Comfy-looking couches were spread out throughout the store. The entire atmosphere was both inviting and warming. It made me want to grab a book and curl up to spend the rest of the afternoon here.
"Yes, Bella has created quite the paradise for book lovers."
Bella. The name was veryBeauty and the Beastand perfect for a book owner.
"Oh, hey, Owen! I didn't expect you today. Your order won't be in for another week."
Not only was Bella's name similar to the starring lady inBeauty and the Beast, but she looked like her as well. Stunning brown hair hung down her back in waves. The coolest greenish-brown eyes smiled with happiness and her alabaster skin was the cherry on top. The only thing the store owner was missing was the dress. Instead, Bella came out in a skintight pair of jeans and a yellow flow top that made her eyes pop.
"I'm not here for me this time. Bella, I would like to introduce Annalee. She wanted to stop in."
"Our newest resident. I've heard so much about you." I did my best to stop myself from rolling my eyes. I really needed to find a scandal that would put me as old news. "Are you a book lover like Owen here?"
It was good to see all those books in his house weren't just for show. Not that I thought they were, considering they looked well-read, but one never knew.
"I am. I figured I’d see what you carried."
"Well, let me show you around. It's mostly romance and I have a wide selection of both indie published authors and traditional published authors. Once or twice a year I try to get an author to come in for a signing. I'm hoping to make thatquarterly and then even monthly but I'm not there yet." Bella laughed.
I followed her throughout the small shop as she pointed out the different genres. I loved that she had tables designated to the different tropes. It made it easier for me to find something I liked. I knew even before I made it several steps that I would be spending a lot of my free time here.