Page 40 of Gentle Fox
“Oh, the shower turned off a while ago. If I had to guess, she’s hiding in the hall listening to our conversation.” Gracie shrugged her shoulder like what she just said didn’t send me into a panic. “It’s what I would be doing if I was her.”
I didn’t have time to say anything before Gracie skipped out of the kitchen. Quite literally too damn smug for her own good.
“Oh, look! I love when I’m right!” Gracie hollered from the hallway.
The next second Annalee was being shoved into the kitchen with a scowl on her face. There was no missing the cackling from Gracie but at least she was kind enough to take it as far away from the kitchen as possible.
“I wasn’t eavesdropping.”
The guilt on her face said otherwise, so I quirked my brow and waited to see if she was going to tell me the truth.
I didn’t have to wait long.
“Fine, I was eavesdropping, but in my defense, I’ve already confessed how impulsive I am, so this shouldn’t surprise you.”
I walked straight over to her since she had yet to move from where she landed after Gracie shoved her into the kitchen.
Maybe this was a blessing in disguise.
Or maybe my sister was an evil mastermind.
It was more than likely the latter.
“What exactly did you hear?”
I could see her throat move from the big gulp she took. It would be interesting to know if she was going to try and lie her way out of this or tell me the truth.
“I heard your sister mention love.”
The truth it was.
“And how did you feel about my response?”
We were standing toe to toe, but other than our feet, no other part of our bodies were touching. Yet we were close enough that I could see her chest rising faster than it normally would. I bet if I placed my hand along her neck, her pulse would be pounding at a higher rate of speed.
“You didn’t really give one, except to evade the topic.”
I smiled. “Touché. Would you like to know what I wanted to say?”
I wasn’t sure why I suddenly wanted to confess my feelings when I wasn’t entirely sure what they were but the need to reassure her was suddenly important to me.
Annalee opened her mouth but no words came out. She did however manage to nod yes.
“I’m falling for you. I have been before I even met you. I’ve tried to guard against it in case you chose not to stay, but I can’t do it anymore.”
I didn’t say the actual words. I had to keep something for myself in case she decided she didn’t feel the same. Then I could say she didn’t completely break my heart.
It would be a lie. My heart was already gone even if I never gave it permission.
“I think I’m falling for you, too.”
“You think?” I frowned and once again Annalee was throwing up her hands. I was starting to see she did that a lot when she was frustrated.
“Well, how the hell am I supposed to know? The only people I’ve ever loved were my mother and father and this”—she pointed back and forth between us—“feels nothing like that, so yeah, I’m going with I think.”
She was so damn cute when she was flustered. Would she slap me if I told her as much?