Page 59 of Gentle Fox
“Thank you.” I dropped on my ass and pulled Annalee onto my lap. That was exactly where the county detectives found us when they showed up.
This was a long-ass day.
Talking to the detectives and explaining what happened. Long.
Getting checked out at the hospital because Owen insisted on it. Long.
Talking to the detectives for a second time. Again long.
Speak to my attorney after what I learned from Walter. Yup, you guessed it. Long.
I wanted nothing more than to crawl into bed with Owen and forget the world existed, but I knew as soon as I walked into the house, that wasn’t an option. Gracie was waiting anxiously for us on the couch.
“There you both are. I was getting worried. I expected you home hours ago from the hospital. What the hell took so long?”
There was that damn word. It was going to haunt me.
“We had to speak with the detectives again,” I told her.
“Why? Walter was the one that threatened you with a gun. Clearly it was self-defense.” I loved that Gracie was quick to defend me, despite not being there.
“They’re just doing their job,” Owen answered his sister while leading me over to the couch to sit next to her. “I’m going to make us some sandwiches. We missed lunch and dinner. You need to get something in your belly.”
I nodded my head. Now that he mentioned it, I was hungry. I hadn’t thought much about it before. I was too busy dealing with everything else to care about food.
Owen brushed his lips across my head before heading to the kitchen.
“How are you really?”
I dropped my head back onto the couch and rolled it so that I was looking at Gracie. “Shocked. At least, I think that’s what the doctor said would happen. I just found out my father’s supposed best friend had him killed because he was in love with my mother,” I answered bluntly. “Oh, and since I look so much like her, he figured he could take me as his own instead.”
The whole encounter was all kinds of fucked up, and something I wanted to forget ever happened.
“Eww, gross.”
“My thoughts exactly.”
“What’s going to happen to your stepmother and stepbrother?”
That was the kicker in all this. “Probably nothing. Unless the officers can prove they helped Walter. Otherwise it’s my word against a dead man’s. Seraphina and Dennis aren’t going to admit they are guilty. The only saving grace is they won’t get anything more. My lawyer assured me they have no leverage to attest the will.”
Money wouldn’t bring my father back though. Just like it couldn’t save my mother. I would gladly give it all up to havethem both back. But I wouldn’t give it to Seraphina and Dennis. I would donate it all before I let those greedy assholes have it.
“There’s that at least.”
“I need to talk about something else,” I said quickly. “What’s going on with you? How was your day?”
“Well, I went to look at an apartment today. More of an in-law suite really, but a place to sleep other than next to you and my brother.” I chuckled at her disgusted face. “It’s actually the place you planned to rent. I figured you no longer needed it, so I threw my name out there.”
“Of course she no longer needs it. She’s not going anywhere.”
I looked back and forth between the two of them. “I didn’t realize the two of you were making decisions for me now.” I inserted as much chagrin into my voice as I could, even though I didn’t mean it. I was actually happy that Owen wanted me to live with him.
“Were you planning to move into the apartment?” Owen raised a brow as he set down three plates with sandwiches and chips on the coffee table.