Page 12 of Lonely Heart
Then the two of us settled in and watched some television.
And it wasn’t long before the exhaustion I felt from the evening’s events took over and pulled me under.
When I walked into this hotel room tonight and saw Ivy in the state that I had, the thought didn’t cross my mind that I’d be back to feeling content so soon.
But I was mistaken.
It was difficult to feel anything but relaxed when I had this sweet woman asleep beside me with her head resting on my shoulder. Looking down at Ivy, I still couldn’t quite wrap my head around the fact I was here like this with her. I hadn’t expected she’d want me to join her in the bed while we watched television, that she’d be okay with me sleeping next to her tonight.
But just because I hadn’t expected it didn’t mean I wasn’t glad to be precisely where I was, doing exactly what I was doing.
I’d been watching her for the last ten minutes as she slept, trying to come to grips with what happened to her. It became difficult to breathe when I recalled everything she’d recounted about her attack and the terror she still felt.
If I was glad about anything, it was not only that I was here for her, but it was also that she seemed to be coming back to herself the longer I’d been here with her. The tightness eased in my chest when I recalled the way she’d teased and laughed with me during dinner.
I’d seen her laugh hundreds of times over the years, but never once had it impacted me the way it did tonight. That dark, terrified look in her eyes had faded and been replaced by brilliant, shining blue irises. It brightened her whole face—even her long, dark hair had an unmistakable sheen to it.
My eyes roved over her, along the sleek strands of her hair resting on the side of her face, and over her flawless skin, cute nose, and gorgeous lips. She looked so peaceful, and I could only hope whatever dreams she might have been having now were the same.
Though I would have been content to keep her where she was all night, I didn’t want her waking with a kink in her neck. So, I gave myself another minute to savor the moment before I eased her off my shoulder and gently lowered her head to her pillow. I grabbed the ice pack that had since melted and tossed that onto the nightstand on the opposite side and covered her completely with the blanket.
Finally, keeping my body on top of the blankets to give her that respect, I turned off the television, then the light, rested my head on the pillow opposite hers, and closed my eyes.
And while it might have appeared that I was sleeping, my mind was wide awake. I replayed this night with Ivy in my head several times, and there was only one question that I couldn’t seem to find any answers to. Why had it taken something so horrible for me to see Ivy the way I was seeing her now?
My lungs were burning.I desperately wanted to stop.
But I couldn’t.
I had to keep going. I had to get away.
Running. Running. Running.
I was nearly there; I’d get away. Just as I started to feel some relief that I was going to make it, an arm wrapped around my waist as a hand landed on my shoulder.
“Ivy, it’s me. It’s Marco. You’re okay. You’re safe.”
I blinked my eyes rapidly, my chest heaving, and tried to take in the space around me. I was in bed. In the hotel. Marco was here.
Twisting my neck, I looked back and saw him staring at me with such concern. I couldn’t catch my breath.
“You’re okay,” he said softly. “Just breathe. You had a nightmare.”
“A nightmare?”
“That’s all it was. You’re safe, and I’m not going to let anyone hurt you.”