Page 104 of Claim
A massof rapid footfalls grow closer from the far end.
Frankie leads his men, but they all fall to a halt a few feet away.
“Is everything okay?” He asks, looking worriedly between Enzo and I.
Enzo nods, his smile not breaking from his cheeks. “Yep, my trap worked.”
The color returns to Frankie’s cheeks. “I fucking hate explosions.”
“Same. Are your guys good?” Keller asks from behind him.
“I think so, we were the only ones on this end when it went off.” I keep Ana pinned to my side and glance around.
Jax, Nikolai, and Alexei all look mildly amused, but unharmed.
“We’re going to call it a night.” Frankie holds out his arm for Zara to join him, and runs his palm over his face. “I’ve had my fill of bombs.” He gives a lopsided grin, but I can tell he’s uncomfortable.
I’ve heard the rumors of his past, I can’t say as I blame him.
“We’re fine, thanks for coming.” I give him a quick wave, then turn to Enzo. “So, who’s in there? Is it one of Tatiana’s men, or Ivan’s?” My hands itch to get a hold of them.
Both factions have caused us a hell of a lot of grief.
Enzo shrugs. “There’s an access through the back. My camera was blown when the explosives went off. I guess Romeo got a little excited with the charges.” He raises his eyebrows and shakes his head at his assistant.
“Sorry. I wanted to make sure the door sealed.” Romeo holds up his hands with a smirk on his face. His dark hair is peppered with white flecks of concrete and plaster.
We all look like we’ve been in a snowstorm.
“Jax, will you take Ana back to the ballroom? We’re going to have a little talk with whoever was in there.” I hold Ana by the shoulders and press my mask to her forehead. “Are you okay to go?”
Her big blue eyes widen over the handkerchief, but she nods and moves to her brother.
“Nikolai, Alexei, come with me.” I motion them, then turn to follow Enzo.
Enzo hits a panel in the wall nearby and an invisible entrance appears.
We push through the narrow tunnel that spills into the back of the dummy office.
More papers and debris litters the floor, but not nearly as much rubble.
I don’t recognize the man who’s digging into the pile where the door used to be.
He turns quickly, throwing his palms into the air. “I didn’t mean to, I was looking for the bathroom.”
“I find that hard to believe, unless you really can’t read.” Enzo moves lithely to the side, letting the three of us bigger guyspass him. “There was a clear picture of a toilet on the two doors down the hall, yet you chose to come in here.”
Alexei and Nikolai each grab an arm of the thin man.
“Who are you?” I grunt, standing in front of the intruder.
“I’m no one. Please, I’d like to leave now.” His dark eyes dart between Nikolai and Alexei. “I didn’t do anything, honest.”
“What is your name?” I ask again, more forcefully. “Cooperate, and I’ll probably let you go.”
“Wait, what do you mean by ‘probably’?” he asks, nervously licking his lips.