Page 161 of Claim
Niki nods to me at the back door.
“I’ll be back in a second.” I kiss Ana and stride over to Enzo, grabbing him by the collar and dragging him outside.
He slumps down on the seat and pulls out a packet of cigarettes. Nikolai takes a big step back.
“I got so close to finding out the truth and then poof.” He mimics an explosion with his hands. “Gone. Again.”
I frown looking at Nikolai, he seems just as lost as I am with his riddle.
“Who?” I question.
Enzo sparks his lighter and takes a long drag.
“The ghost from my past. The reason I am who I am today. The woman who carved my damn heart out of her chest.”
“Give us a name and we can help you.”
Enzo cackles, his blue eyes burning into mine.
“No one can help me. If I’m right, I could be walking into my own death. That might put me out of this misery.”
I press the bridge of my nose.
We cannot lose Enzo. And he sure as hell is not going to war in this state.
“There isn’t anyone we can’t find, Enzo. You know that.”
He shakes his head, laughing to himself.
“There is. You know damn well there is. I’m ready to tear our worlds apart, Miki. Be prepared.”
Oh fuck.