Page 8 of Claim
My hands shake as I hit redial on Drago’s number.
“Believe me now?” He doesn’t wait for formalities.
“Why did you give him to me? What do you want?” There’s always a catch in this line of work.
Drago’s deep laugh makes the small hairs on the back of my neck stand up. “I simply ask that we keep the lines of communication open. Your Alexei has repaid his debt to Tatiana, but she never intended for him to leave. I’m offering him to you with the hope we may be able to rely on each other in the future.”
I don’t believe him. “Just give me a dollar amount. I do not handle being in the debt of favors.”
It always ends in grief. My fingers find the scar beneath my balaclava, a sharp reminder of all the promises I’ve failed to uphold.
He clears his throat, and takes a long breath. “Let’s just say, I have a feeling that feathers are soon to be ruffled here in Russia, and I want to keep as many options open as possible.”
I glance up to Enzo.
His brows raise and he shrugs.
“Alright, Drago. What do I have to do?” I’m guessing he already knows I’d do anything to get Alexei back.
I can’t watch Lara withering away every day that he’s gone.
For both of their sake, I need him here.
“I can arrange for him to get out of his cell. I need you to land your plane outside the gate.” He pauses. “I’ll make sure there’s enough of a distraction that he can escape.”
My mind churns.
Free and clear.
Untethered, not owing anyone. Not being pursued.
It sounds appealing.
“Very well. I can do that much. I do have just one small favor in return.” An idea brews in my head.
“Tell me.” Drago’s teeth grit.
“Once I’ve taken off, give me the count of four solid minutes to get to enough altitude, then I want you to shoot me down.” I think this will work.
Enzo chokes. “What?” He mouths, his arms going away from his head.
“Please repeat that. I think our connection is bad.” Drago makes a tapping sound through the speaker. “It sounded like you wanted me to fire on your plane?”
“Exactly. Aim for the engine. I don’t want you to accidently hit Alexei. He’s an expert skydiver, he’ll be fine.” I wave Enzo back who’s violently trying to get my attention.
Drago takes a deep breath, his exhale making the cell static. “That was a short-lived friendship. I’ll make sure Alexei knows I’m on his side.”
The click when he hangs up is audible.
“What the fuck?” Enzo smacks my shoulder.
He never gets worked up, nor touches me.
“You’re going to get yourself killed? What the hell is going on?” He doesn’t hide his concern, but jumps up to begin pacing the room.