Page 20 of Tyr
Tyr’s eyes widened, and his gaze fell to her chest before moving swiftly away. It was his turn for his cheeks to redden.
The idea made her smile.
“Uh… If… uh…” He cleared his throat. “I… I can get you a pair of Herm’s sweats. He’s smaller than Vid and I, so you can at least pull them tight and have them not fall off.”
Something inside her felt weird about wearing Herm’s pants. But she didn’t mind the idea of wearing Tyr’s. Even if they would dwarf her.
“No, thanks. I’ll stick with my leggings.”
“Well, I can at least wash them for you.”
She thought of Tyr holding her leggings and underwear. Him putting them in the washer and then the dryer…
What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you thinking of those things? Get it together, Celeste!
“Thank you.”
He walked to the shower and turned on the water. “Let me help you unwrap your arm. Then you can get your clothes off and drop them by the door. I’ll grab them and wash them.”
She nodded. He unknotted the sling and pulled it over her head before unwrapping her arm.
Blood flooded her limb. She looked down at it. The swelling lessened, but it was still discolored. She tried to move it a little.
Nope! Nope! Nope! Not doing that again.
Tyr set towels on the counter and stopped briefly. She thought he might say something, but he strode from the bathroom.
Celeste didn’t breathe for a moment, and she took in her reflection as the sensation of his calloused hand brushing the hair over her shoulder played again and again in her mind. She shivered and shook her head as she registered the state of her hair. She might have to shave her head; her tangles were so bad. Pity. She liked her hair.
She hooked the thumb of her healed hand into her leggings and tried to push them down. They didn’t budge. Damned shaper leggings hugged her too well. She blew out a breath and tried using both hands but immediately cried out and stopped.
She took several deep breaths. She had two options. Shower in leggings or ask for help.
Peachy. Just peachy.
She hated wet clothing sticking to her skin… but did she hate it more than having to ask Tyr to undress her? She sighed. Could her mortification for being a damsel in distress get any greater? She truly doubted it.
Tyr waitedoutside the door for Celeste to tell him her clothes were ready to be washed. He’d berated himself for a solid two minutes about his stupidity in calling her beautiful. Not because she wasn’t, Hel knew she was, but because he’d said it out loud.
Her beauty, even with her remaining injuries, went beyond evident. Gorgeous, almond-shaped blue eyes. Skin like the fairy tale Snow White, and long, thick dark hair. Her healed lips were not quite as swollen as he’d first thought. They were just naturally plump and red. And her cheekbones were also not as he first thought. They were high and prominent, giving her face a perfect heart shape.
His name pulled him from his thoughts. He punched in the code and poked his head inside, but her clothes were nowhere to be seen. He took several steps inside and peeked into the bathroom to find her standing where he’d left her.
“What’s wrong?” He moved closer.
She rolled her eyes and scrunched up her face for a moment.
“I… I can’t get my pants off.”
A surge of desire rushed through him.Oh, Hels no! Knock that shit off!
“You… you need help?”
She gazed at the ceiling.“I am wearing shaper leggings, and the waistband is too strong for me to get off without two hands.”
What the Hel did she need shapewear for? She was perfectly shaped already. Wait… Tyr blinked several times. She wanted him to undress her. To take her pants off her?