Page 44 of Tyr
What in Yggdrasil had Tyr done?
“We should go,” Tyr repeated. “Before we attract any more attention.”
“We can’t leave her here,” Celeste replied.
“Fallon,” said the woman. “My name is Fallon.”
“Fallon, do you have a car?” Tyr refused to meet her gaze.
She chuckled. “Why would I have a car?”
Tyr glanced at her, perplexed for a moment, then at Celeste, and quickly away.
The idea that he felt the need to hide himself from her slammed Celeste in the gut.
“So, you can drive home?” said Tyr.
Fallon laughed again. “That would be interesting for me to try.” Fallon widened her eyes. “I’m blind.”
Blind? No wonder she hadn’t reacted when the demon had changed form.
Tyr nodded as if he should have realized it before. “We need to get you out of here. Where there’s one of his kind, there are others.”
His words were a punch to Celeste. “His kind?” she spat.
Tyr looked at her, confused for a moment, and then recognition dawned on his face. His eyes edged back to their murky, unfathomable deep color. “Fear demons. I mean, fear demons. They feed off people’s pain.”
“I wonder if that’s why I couldn’t get a read on him,” said Fallon absently. “Because he was a demon.”
“We’ve told her too much. She needs to get home before shock sets in.”
“I’ll take her,” said Hephaestus. “Back to the Ubers, I mean.”
Fallon turned toward where Hephaestus stood. “I wondered if you were going to join the party.” Her peachy lips parted into a smile, and her freckled nose crinkled.
Hephaestus’s eyebrows smashed together. “Uh… Sorry.”
Celeste wasn’t sure about letting Fallon go yet, but the beautiful redhead stuck her hand out in Phes’s direction.
“I’m Fallon.”
He took her small hand in his massive one. “Hephaestus.”
She smiled. “Like the Greek god of metalworking. That’s so cool. You know, he was given a raw deal in the myths, if you ask me.”
Hephaestus shot her an awkward smile.
“Hephaestus is a friend of ours. Would you be comfortable with him getting you to your Uber, or do you want us all to go together?” Celeste asked.
Fallon laid her hand on Phes’s forearm. “No need. I’ll be safe with your friend.”
Again, a myriad of questions flooded Celeste. “Do you have a cellphone?”
Fallon reached into her pocket and pulled out a larger pink, glittery phone with bigger than normal buttons and raised numbers on it.
Celeste looked at the phone, only to realize she didn’t have a phone anymore. She held it out to Tyr. “Can you put your number in so she can text us when she gets home?”
Tyr opened his mouth but closed it and nodded. “Of course.”