Page 47 of Tyr
“What is your favorite song?” She peered up at him earnestly.
Vid laughed. “Can’t you guess? It’s the one about him.”
“You’re just jealous you don’t have one about you.”
Vid nodded. “Yeah, that’s it for sure.”
Tyr shook his head. “Come on. Let’s get you upstairs to rest. It’s been a long day.”
Vid sat back in his seat and grabbed his popcorn.
“Is Herm here?”
“He went down to the races,” he called, picking up the remote.
Of course. It was Tuesday.
“What are the races?” Celeste walked to the top floor.
“A group of demons race cars for fun. Herm loves it. He goes about a few times a week.”
“Wow. I can’t imagine how intense that is. Is he any good?”
Tyr pushed the pin pad to open his bedroom door, then set the bag from Metamorphosis on his dresser by the wall. “He says he is. He’s only lost three cars, so he must be right.”
“They bet their cars?”
“Didn’t you notice the huge collection in the garage? Those are his winnings. He’s always liked to move fast. When he discovered the races, he became obsessed.”
Celeste rolled her shoulder and cracked her neck. Tyr rubbed his fingers together, wanting to touch her. To feel her soft flesh, pliable and willing, beneath his palms.
“Do you want some pain meds?”
“Nah, I don’t want to become dependent on them.”
“How about a little CBD lotion? It works well on my hand when it bothers me.”
Her eyebrows drew together. “CBD lotion works on your metal hand?”
“Not on the hand itself, but on the juncture where it connects to the skin. Sometimes, if I overdo things, it separates a bit.Hephaestus said he’d make me a new one that would connect better, but I’ve gotten used to this one.”
She nodded. “Sure. Why not?”
“Sit. I’ll get it.”
She pulled out her t-shirt and sniffed it before wrinkling her nose. “Maybe I should shower first. I kind of stink from all the dancing.”
Tyr laughed as he walked into his bathroom. “Trust me. Until you’ve lived in a war camp with thousands of Viking warriors, horses, dogs, and more through the heat of summer, you have no idea what the word stink can mean.” Besides, he’d smelled her the whole way back to the estate, and he liked her natural scent just fine.
He reached into a drawer and grabbed the bottle before looking at himself in the mirror.
You’re helping her, not yourself. Don’t do anything you’re gonna want to cut your balls off for later.
Unsure whether the pep talk had helped, he returned with the bottle and sat next to her. She’d removed the bandage and rolled up her sleeve, exposing her biceps. He shook the bottle, and she grabbed his hand.
He stopped. Did she want to do it herself? A pit grew in his stomach at the idea he may not get to touch her after all.
She looked at the partially melted leather glove and peeled it from his hand, sliding it off one finger at a time.