Page 50 of Tyr
Celeste’s bodythrummed with need. Her core throbbed, and her breasts ached for his touch. Slowly, he slid off her shoes and socks. He removed his jacket and t-shirt and then knelt on the floor and kissed the sole of her foot before continuing up to her ankle.
Celeste bucked on the bed and gripped the sheets as he pushed the leg of her jeans up and continued to press firm kisses up her calf.
She bit her lip and moaned as he reached the back of her knee. Every moment was an excruciating ecstasy she’d neverexperienced. Wanting him so badly, but not wanting to rush him.
He stopped kissing her skin. “Your jeans,” he commanded. “Unbutton them.”
She hesitated for a split second as a ripple of fear coursed over her.
“Lower your shield.”
She bit her lip.
“Lower it so you can see my intention. I’m not going to hurt you, Celeste.”
She unbuttoned her jeans. “I don’t need to read your mind to know you won’t hurt me. I just…”
“If you don’t want this?—”
“I do. Gods know I do, it’s just…” Embarrassment flooded her, and Tyr lifted her leg over his shoulder and kissed her calf again.
“Tell me,Fylgja.”
“You’ll need to guide me. I’ve only done this once before, and it wasn’t slow, and it wasn’t?—”
His eyes flashed red, and she stopped talking.
He crawled on top of her, caging her with his arms. “I promise you, Celeste, you’ve never done what we are about to do. And you never will again with anyone else. Do you understand?”
A thrill raced through Celeste, and she nodded as he loomed over her, his intensity raining down over her.
“Say it. I need to make sure you understand. If we do this, there is no going back. You are stuck with me. Forever. This isn’t going to be a one-time thing,Fylgja.I can’t do it. Not with you.” The caress of his words had her already on edge and ready for him to take her. Her nipples hardened under the lace of her bra.
“I understand,” she whispered.
He stared at her like he was trying to decide. She reached up and touched his cheek, and his eyes went from dark to red.Without another word, he swooped in and kissed her again, but not like before. Not heated. Not rushed. He kissed her tenderly. A promise of worship. As if he was giving into something he’d never given into before. He brushed the hair from her face, and she clung to him, reveling in his weight on hers.
She didn’t know how long they kissed before he broke away and laid his forehead on hers before kissing down over her breasts to her waist. He reached behind himself and pulled off his shirt before lowering her pant leg and slipping her jeans off her. He resumed kissing her leg right where he’d left off and worked his way up the inside of her thigh to her hip. He kissed over it and then lifted her shirt, exposing her belly.
When he kissed the first spot Anton had hit with the bat, she flinched.
She shook her head. “No. That’s…” She couldn’t finish. She didn’t want to ruin their moment.
His eyes intensified. “I will kiss and love away every bad thing that’s ever happened to you, Fylgja.”
Tears sprang to her eyes as her chest tightened. She nodded, and he lowered his mouth to her side again.
His eyes stayed on hers as he licked and sucked the spot where days before she’d been broken and black and blue. The red was different in his eyes, somehow. She didn’t know how. She just knew. The red in his eyes had nothing to do with anger and everything to do with wanting her.
He worked his way up her side, and she stripped off her shirt and went to unclasp her bra. He stopped her and rolled her on her belly. She gasped as his breath hit her lower back. He ran his tongue up her spine to her bra, and a moment later, the clasp popped open, and his lips grazed her skin.
“Tyr.” She gripped the sheets so tight her fingers ached.
He kissed up her shoulder to her mouth once more. Every inch of her ached for him. Needed him.
Impatience got the better of her as she flipped back over and flung her bra to the floor.