Page 56 of Tyr
“We should be going,” said Tyr. “But Herm insisted I get that to you.”
Heimdall nodded. “As he should be. That is if he wants to keep getting my advice on which car he should drive for the night.”
The wicked smile that glinted on Heimdall’s lips made Tyr snort. So Heimdall wasn’t as perfect as he seemed.
Tyr stood and held his hand out for Celeste’s.
She slid out of the booth and gasped before stumbling. Tyr caught her around the waist, and a pained expression crossed her face.
“Is it your arm?”
She sucked in a deep breath and blew it out slowly before shaking her head. “No. I… Uh, I need to use the bathroom before we go.”
“Of course. It’s right there.” Tyr pointed, and the hairs on his arms prickled as he held onto her.
He began guiding her toward the bathroom, but she let go of him.
“It’s okay. I can go on my own. I’ll be back in a minute.” Her voice remained calm, but her eyes said something wasn’t right.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Just my ribs. Guess they aren’t fully healed.” She reached up on her tiptoes and planted a kiss on his cheek. “I’ll be right back.”
Tyr wanted to protest and go with her. He wanted to examine her ribs and make sure she healed properly. But he was being stupid. And overprotective. It was just the bathroom.
She squeezed his hand and threw him a smile as she crossed the bar.
She disappeared into the restroom, and he continued standing in the middle of the bar until several patrons eyed him.
Tyr slid back into the booth to find Heimdall watching Celeste disappear into the bathroom.
His metal hand creaked as he closed it into a fist. He needed to control his reflex to men looking at Celeste. They couldn’t help it. She was freaking stunning. Why wouldn’t men ogle her?
Heimdall turned back to Tyr. Neither said anything, and an awkward silence fell between them. In that moment, he realized he knew very little about Heimdall. Where he lived. What he did in his time off. If he took time off.
“So, you were right about Fenrir’s triplets,” Tyr blurted.
Heimdall’s eyes darkened. “Did you think I’d be wrong?”
Dammit. Apparently, mentioning the one time Heimdall had slipped up with a premonition was not the right way to foster goodwill.
Heimdall was still chafed at the mistake he’d made, blurting out the little tidbit of information at the family gathering where Fenrir and Grace had announced they were having a baby months prior.
“What about you?” asked Heimdall. “You still kicking yourself about chaining up Fenrir?”
Ah… so that’s how it was going to be. Tyr peered around the side of the booth to the bathroom door. He sure hoped Celeste hurried.
Celeste collapsedas she locked the bathroom door. Pain tore through her. She dropped her mental shield, instinctively reaching out for where it came from.
Someone was in pain. Terrible pain. Excruciating pain.
Another strange wave blasted through her, and she cried out. She pitched sideways, letting her cheek rest on the cool tile as she fought against the pain and sweat that broke out all over her body.
“Help,”someone said in a weak voice.“Please. Someone, help me.”
“Who are you?”she managed.