Page 63 of Tyr
He took one look at her and nodded, opening a second door.
All around, women in various degrees of nudity writhed and ground their bodies against metal poles. The sensual music blared from speakers above, and the scent of fruit, sweat, and sex permeated the air, bringing back memories of the many after-battle celebrations he and his men had taken part in.
Tyr coughed and wiped his thoughts. He didn’t want Celeste to see any of it.
Dozens of men ogled the dancers, but at least a dozen more kept their eyes trained on Celeste and him.
“Where to?”
She pointed to a staircase hidden behind two gigantic men in the back corner. Tyr strode to the stairs, his hand gripping Celeste’s tighter with every human who gaped at her. His metal fist squeezed tight as he fought not to smash the lusty stares out of all their eyes, and he wished he’d grabbed his sword before entering.
They approached the stair guards. Their gazes lingered on Celeste, and then one nodded to her, and she started forward. Tyr followed her, but the man blocked the way.
“Only her.”
“Move,” Tyr commanded.
“Only. Her.”
The second man took a step forward and flashed a gun holster. The intimidation and posturing they displayed only further stoked his anger.
Tyr smiled, and his vision went blood red. “I won’t ask again.”
The men stared at Tyr and crossed their arms over their chests. Tyr stepped forward, and the second man reached for his gun. Tyr knocked it from his hand and grabbed the man’s throat in his metal grasp. The man clawed at Tyr’s hand, and he squeezed.
Gods above, he’d missed this part. The part where they realized they’d made a fatal miscalculation and weren’t leaving the confrontation unscathed.
A ripple coursed over Tyr’s skin, and he smiled.
The first man reached for Tyr but crumpled to his knees, grabbing his head.
“He’s with me,” said Celeste to the man on the floor.
“Why is it when someone who is clearly a human’s superior tells them to do something, they don’t realize said person is being kind by trying to save that human a lot of pain, and even their life?”
“Because they are arrogant toddlers,” said Heimdall.
Tyr dropped the purple-faced bodyguard to the ground, where he gulped down air like a dying fish. He stepped over the man and took Celeste’s hand again before ascending the steps.
A shot rang out, and fire burned across Tyr’s arm. He growled and whirled around.
The dancers stopped moving, and several of the patrons stood, confused.
The men he’d noticed upon arrival made their way toward the stairs, guns out and trained on Tyr.
Heimdall smiled. “Go. I’m going to hang down here.”
Tyr glanced at him. Damn. Heimdall had known what they’d walk into, and he’d chosen to come.
The man truly was full of surprises.
Tyr and Celeste hit the top of the stairs, and he retrieved his knife from inside his boot. Red still stained his gaze as heinspected every door they passed. Finally, they reached a sturdy wooden door at the end of the hall.
“This is it,” said Celeste.
“Are you sure you want to do this?”
Her steely gaze stared at him. “Absolutely.”