Page 65 of Tyr
“Kill them!” Anton shot wildly, missing and then ducking down again.
Tyr grabbed Celeste and wrapped himself around her as the first semi-automatic emerged, and bullets pierced his back.
They tore at his flesh like red-hot lava ripped through him. He gritted his teeth.
“Tyr!”Celeste screamed.
He hugged her tighter.
Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Twelve. Fifteen. Twenty.
The bullets stopped. Celeste clutched at him.
“Tyr. Tyr!”
He relaxed his hold, his crimson vision tainting her beautiful pale skin.
“Immortal, remember?” He kissed her forehead. “Don’t move.”
Tyr turned and flicked his wrist. His knife lengthened to its full size, and flames sprung from it, licking the blade.
“What the hell?” Anton said.
“Nope. She’s a different Norse God,” Tyr replied before the battle-rage took over.
He ran at the guy with the gun and decapitated him mid-ammo change. He rolled across the floor as another volley of shots rang out. Tyr swung at the second guy, but he doubled over, grabbing his head. He tripped backward over a chair and dropped to the ground. Tyr jumped the distance between themand plunged his sword through the man’s chest and straight into the floor, cracking the wood underneath.
Another shot rang out, and Tyr spun around. The man shot three more times. One ripped through Tyr’s wrist just above his metal hand, causing him to drop his sword. A second-round embedding in his rib, shattering it. Tyr roared. Blood. He wanted blood. Emotions burst from him like a shockwave through the building. The man fired again, missed twice, and then ran out of bullets. Tyr tackled him and bit into his throat.
The man screamed, and Tyr reared back, spraying himself and the entire area with the man’s blood. Blood. Slick. Wet. Warm. Blood.
Adrenaline and ecstasy flushed his body. He laughed as the rush of lust shot through him.
How long had it been since he’d killed someone with his hands? Felt their blood on his face. Tasted their sweat. Listen to their heartbeats slow. Watch as their mouths gaped open and closed as they pleaded with him to make it stop.
He smiled.Too long. Much, much too long.
Tyr roared again and jumped to his feet. Another pulse blasted from him, and he shuddered.
Anton backed away from Tyr, and the guy from the car made for the door.
Only two? Bummer. He was just getting started.
Celeste’s throatdried as Tyr turned, and she caught sight of him. Blood covered his face, throat, jacket, and shirt. His eyes had gone as red as the blood staining his skin, and his eyes told her everything she needed to know.
She’d heard stories of it before, but she’d never seen it in person, and in all honesty, seeing it was a lot scarier than she had ever imagined. Tyr charged Amezodile, but Amezodile headed for the door.
“He’s mine!”
Tyr looked at Celeste and then refocused on Anton.
Amezodile had reached the doorway when she blasted him. He fell forward and slammed into the floor.
“Please,” he begged. “Please, stop. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”