Page 78 of Tyr
“Something like that.”
He’d been so attentive the past two months. Never pushing or prying, just being there for her, whatever she needed. And he’d asked for nothing in return.
“Okay,” she said.
His face lit up. “Seriously?”
She nodded. “Seriously.”
Tyr had never been sonervous in his entire life. Everything he’d been through. Everything he’d done. Every battle. Every fight. Every everything. And going into a room full of people he’d known his entire life and saying two little words terrified him more than he could even vocalize.
“Wow,” said Celeste as they walked through Odin’s bar, “This place is… not what I’d imagined.”
Tyr noticed her staring at the half-naked girls up on the stage and shielded her eyes.
“Can I do that?” She smiled up at him.
Tyr’s vision went red.
She burst out laughing. “I’m kidding. Totally kidding. This body is only for you, Lover.” She patted his chest.
He pulled her closer and kissed her. “It better be.”
Tyr glanced around, and stared down several men who checked out Celeste. A pulse of anger washed through him, and one guy bumped into another, and the two started yelling.
Celeste pulled Tyr’s face to hers. “Easy. Always remember, I go home with you. I’ll always go home with you.”
He nodded, but her words did little to soothe his jealousy.
“Come on, where are we going?”
Tyr nodded but kept his mouth shut as they headed to the next room and then down the hall leading to Odin’s house, attached to the back of the club.
They walked to the ancient wooden door carved with the Norse tree of life.Yggdrasil. He stopped and stared at it. He’d seen it a million times, and still, it gave him a sense of longing. He wasn’t quite sure what for, but he admired the beauty all the same.
A minute passed.
“We can go home if you want,” Celeste offered.
She appeared as nervous as he felt.
No! He was doing this. Not just for him but for Celeste as well. She needed to get out of the estate, too. Plus, he wanted her to meet the family. Everyone else who had found their one had brought them to family dinner, some before they’d even been together for certain. Herm had started teasing him that he was ashamed of Celeste. Which had gotten Herm a bloodied nose.
Celeste needed this. She needed a family, not just him, Herm, and Vid.
Celeste squeezed his hand. “Seriously, we can go home.”
“No. It’s been too long already. I should have done this centuries ago.”
“Are you sure?”
He gave her a tight smile. “I am.”
“Okay.” She lifted her hand and knocked.
Tyr cocked an eyebrow.
She shrugged.