Page 1 of The Revenge Bride
Chapter 1
Normally I never set foot outside my apartment unless I have on myI’m Okayface. It’s the one I started wearing three months ago after finding my now ex-boyfriend with his pants at his ankles, his dick playing poke-the-tonsils with some rando woman.
Atourengagement party.
I dumped my glass of champagne over his head, then dumped him.
I throw on my old yoga pants and a tomato-stained t-shirt that I can work in and don’t take the time to do my hair or makeup.
I’m in a hurry to help my grandfather before he makes good on his idea of climbing a ladder himself to paint the house.
I grab my keys, then rush out the door.
In the courtyard birds chirping and the rhythmic spit of the automatic sprinklers break up the stillness.
It’s not yet seven on a Saturday morning so I’m not likely to run into any crowds. Not that my small hometown of Lucky River boasts a large population.
I love this place where I was born. After hearing me exclaim in shock and anger, I was surrounded by support.
Later, I heard my ex was gifted a black eye but no one spoke up to say who did it.
Yonder Grocery’s parking lot only has a handful of vehicles and I’m thankful for that. I should be able to get in and out quickly.
I greet the yawning cashier and head to the breakfast aisle. I left my phone with the list on it in the car so I’m gazing at the boxes of cereal trying to remember everything I’m supposed to pick up.
My back tingles.
I turn to find myself almost nose-to-shirt with Rhett Conley.
The bad boy of Lucky River. A jail stint in the making.
I tip my chin to look at that fairytale prince face. Handsome. Sexy. Good looks that are totally wasted on my enemy.
There’s not a dry pair of panties in the room when he’s present. Mine included. But I wouldneverdrop them for him.
Dark eyes widen slightly in recognition and his full lips turn down at the corners.
He slowly lifts a hand toward me, and I square my shoulders. “I’m not interested.”
“Good. Then you won’t mind moving out the way so I can get a bottle of syrup.”
I blink, comprehension arriving along with heat in my cheeks. I don’t know what possessed me to think the hot tattoo artist was flirting with me. His standard operating procedure has always been to torment me.
Clearly, the sleep I’ve lost over the last few months has affected my ability to reason.
I step to the side so he can choose his brand.
He takes one and drops it into a cart.
His gaze sweeps over me. “Looking good this morning, Lucy.”
I grind my teeth.I will not take the bait. I will not take the bait.
“Like you just rolled out of bed,” he continues.
The words whisper across my skin like a caress, and I feel it way down south. I squeeze my thighs together knowing he doesn’t mean anything good by what he said.