Page 8 of The Revenge Bride
I don’t understand and start to ask what’s going on, but Rhett’s fingers close around my wrist.
He shakes his head. “Yep. It’s us.”
She rises. “I made your favorite. Barbecue ribs.”
“I can’t stay to eat.”
“Then take them with you.” She walks toward the kitchen.
“What’s going on?” I whisper to Rhett.
“Grandma was diagnosed with dementia. Lately, she’s been having bad days.”
Lloyd rubs the back of his neck. “I thought you were busy today. What brings you by?”
Rhett scoots his hand, sliding his palm across mine until our fingers tangle together.
Heat travels from my palm up my arm and spreads through me. I’m dizzy and dry-mouthed. And so aware of the man holding my hand.
“Lucy and I are getting married this coming Friday.”
“Married?” Lloyd laughs in delight. “You don’t say!” He pulls Rhett into a hug, then me. “That’s fantastic! Aggie!”
She rushes into the room.
“Honey, Rhett and Lucy are getting married on Friday.”
Her eyes light up with delight. “Friday? I’m so glad it’s soon. I’ve been hoping you’d settle down before I get worse.”
“I guess all your nagging paid off,” Rhett says.
“Oh stop teasing me.” She puts a hand against her heart. “I hope I’m still me for the ceremony.”
I feel like a horse kicked me in the center of the chest when pain flashes across Rhett’s face.
I’m hit with the urge to pull him against me and shield him to ward off the blow of what’s happening to his family. He might be my enemy, but pain is pain, and I wouldn’t wish this kind of heartache on anyone.
Lloyd claps his hands. “The two of you together…never would have guessed that.”
“I did,” Aggie says. “I knew there was fire between these two. Where do you plan to live?”
Rhett says, “We could move in here.”
He glances at me as he speaks. I nod. I’m all for helping Aggie.
“Then we’d be around to take care of things.”
Aggie lightly smacks Rhett’s upper arm. “I don’t want that. You two need to focus on each other. Not me.”
Lloyd scratches his thick, white beard. “She’s right. It’s important for newlyweds to establish their own space. Develop their own traditions. I want you to build the type of relationship I’ve had with your grandma.”
He smiles down at her, murmuring, “It’s been a hell of a beautiful journey.”
Aggie links her arm with his, her eyes shining. “A beautiful journey I don’t want to forget.”
He tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’ll remember for the both of us. I’ll never let us go.”
I have to turn away. Their love chokes me up.