Page 54 of Falling for Grace
“I’m sorry things have been so–”
“Shit between us,” I finish his sentence into his shoulder. He pulls back and looks at me, his eyes shining with unshed tears. We stare at each other, unsaid words passing between us as he clings to my hands.
Something flashes in the corner of my eye and I step back, confused. “What was that?”
Brandon spins round. “I just wanted this one day,” he says, letting out a sigh. “You would think they’d have some respect. It's not a sodding premiere, I’m burying my fucking brother. I can’t deal with this shit today.”
His shoulders visibly sag as he looks over at the pap who has appeared outside his parents' house.
“Get inside, I don’t want this flashed all over the media.”
He leans over and kisses my forehead, and I hear another click. I look over at the balding man whose face is hidden with a huge camera and give him my best evil look. As much as I want to go over and shove the camera in the guy's ass, I know that won’t do Brandon any good. Instead I do as I’m told and walk to the door while Brandon deals with the photographer.
The door opens before I can knock. “Gracie, my girl,” says Ted as he grabs me into another huge man hug. He looks over my shoulder. “Oh, bloody hell!”
“He’s taking care of it, come on.” I grab Ted’s elbow lead him back into the house as I step inside. I turn to close the door, but before I do I see Brandon bumming a cigarette off the photographer.
I walk into the hallway and pull off my blazer, placing it over the banister. A routine I did many times as a teenager. I look at the few pictures on the wall, as the door behind me opens and closes.
“Stop.” His hand is on my shoulder, the weight almost too much to bear. “Can we talk?”
“Brandon,” I say with a tone of defeat.
“I just want to apologise. I’ve been...”
“An ass.”
He pulls off his own suit jacket a smile tugging at his lips. “Okay, yes, I’ve been an ass.”
“Grace is that you?” I hear Sue before I see her.
She grabs me, and soon she has pulled Brandon into the hug. “Look at you both. We’re just missing Danny.” She pulls back, her eyes filling with tears, and clears her throat in an attempt to suppress the emotion. “Oh, goodness. I think every time I say his name today I’m going to cry.” She gives us a watery smile. “If only he knew what he was doing to us all, hey? Come on, let’s get you a cup of tea. Brandon, do you want to go see your father? I don’t think he’s doing all that well.”
Brandon kisses his mother’s cheek and looks at me, shaking his head before heading into the living room. I follow Sue into the kitchen my gaze falling onto the windowsill covered in a range of orchids.
“I always kill mine,” I admit, leaning against the wall as Sue fills the kettle.
“Your orchids? They’re easy, dear, and something is calming about them, don’t you think?”
I stare at the small delicate flower.
“Two sugars and milk, right? Just like Danny.”
I nod.
“The cars will be with us at 12. Have you managed to get any sleep at all since you’ve been here?”
“Not really.” I shrug. “With the jet lag and everything else.” Sue’s hand shakes as she pours the water into the cup and splashes it over the counter.
“Oh, no,” she says, putting the kettle down, but misses the counter, and I watch powerlessly as it crashes to the floor, boiling water splashing on the lino. “Goddammit!” Sue shouts as she jumps out the way.
“Sue.” I place my hand on hers and she looks at me, her eyes filling with tears. “Go and sit down, I’ll clear this up.”
“I just feel so helpless,” she admits, deflated. “Ted’s trying to be strong, but I can see it in his eyes, Grace, this is eating him up. And Brandon, I worry for Brandon. The whole world is watching him mourn. It shouldn’t be like this.”
I shake my head, my own eyes moistening.
“I feel like I need to be strong, for the boys.”