Page 33 of Where We Met
Iholdmybreathas I wait for his response. I don’t know what we’re doing. I know it’s wrong, but I just can't help myself around him.
Seeing him tonight, among the glow of the lights, the way he fills out a suit… It's all just too much. Add that to the dejected feelings I've had all week as he did everything in his power to avoid eye contact with me during his lectures.
Then he has the nerve to be jealous when a coworker simply jokes around with me? I'm as mad at him as I am excited that he cares enough to be jealous.
"You're free to do what you want, Savannah," he says. He remains in place, towering over me with his long arms and bulging muscles, and I need him to go away.
Tears are threatening to spill over, and he is the last person I want to witness this, realizing how stupid it is to feel this way over a man I've never even touched. We barely know each other, and what happened the other night wasn’t exactly a real interaction between the two of us, but every second of it felt like something special— something amazing.
"Can you please step away from me, Professor Luke?" I ask, making it clear that I see the line he’s drawn in the sand.
He looks down at me with a pained expression before he pushes off the tree and moves to the side.
No other words are spoken. I walk away quickly, trying to find an area where I can have a mini meltdown. I come to a stop in between the servers’ tent and a fence, and it’s there, standing in the cold, dark night, where I let my feelings take over.
My shoulders shake as tears run down my cheeks.
How could I be so stupid to think that he would just continue down this path? He's myprofessor. He doesn't want anything to happen that would tarnish his reputation.
Okay, no more tears tonight. You had your little moment of self-pity, Savannah. Time to be the adult that you are and get back to work.
When I walk back, I see my coworkers huddled in a corner, shoving their faces with food. I take a plate off the table and load up some dinner for myself and then join them.
"You good, Davis?" Declan asks from his spot on top of the cooler.
I put on a brave face, smiling my brightest smile. "I'm good. Starving."
When I take a seat next to Jill, I realize this is where I belong: eating scraps from the rich people's leftovers. I'm a world away from Luke and his fancy life in the main tent.
Despite all the running around I've done and how much my body wants the food, I'm finding my appetite is ruined. I pick around the plate, hoping nobody notices how much I've left uneaten.
"Dessert time, everybody," Kylie, our manager, calls. "Clean yourselves up. I don't want anyone looking sloppy out there."
We all get rid of our plates and inspect our uniforms to make sure everything's in place.
"How do you know him?" Declan comes up beside me, straightening his tie.
"It doesn't matter," I reply. "Let's just get this night over with."
He puts his arm around my neck.
"I'm no idiot,princess." He uses my nickname jokingly. "Let's make this man’s night a shitty one."
I glance over at him and see his mischievous grin. "What are you talking about, Dec?"
"For the rest of the night, you're my girl," he says with a wink.
Damn. I kind of like the sound of that. What's the worst that could happen if I make Luke a little jealous? It's my right as a woman to show a man what he's missing out on, even if he is trying to be honorable.
I walk over to the dessert display as the staff is plating the food on white and gold—probably real freakin' gold—china.
Declan comes over with our trays. We fill them up with cheesecake, crème brûlée, macarons, tiramisu, and more. My stomach growls in appreciation for the sugary treat aroma that drifts through the air. No matter the state of my nerves, I've never backed down from desserts. I suppose that's how I know I'll be okay, as long as my body isn’t betraying me by refusing sugar.
I already know I'm going to town on these desserts by the end of the night. Rich women never eat much, so I'm sure there will be a lot leftover.
Declan helps me put the tray on my shoulder and leads the way to the main tent with our stands on his other shoulder. He's been a great partner in this gig, always helping out with the heavy lifting of the job.
Clearly, he's a good friend as well, since he's willing to play along with the drama in my life.