Page 45 of Where We Met
"Sorry, just didn't realize I could get so turned on listening to a man talk about wine," she says as she mimics a shiver.
My head falls back as a loud laugh follows. I scoot closer to her on the couch and pinch her side, making her giggle.
"I've got more where that came from, princess," I continue as she laughs. "Just say the word and I'll keep going."
"Stop it," she laughs as I lean into her with a smile.
"I like to leave the wine on my tongue for a bit to get a taste of the body," I whisper as my lips graze her ear. "A full-bodied wine will feel intense and strong on your tongue while the light-bodied will feel refreshing."
She leans back, pushing me away, telling me the exact effect I’m having on her. "Seriously, Luke. I'm gonna have to run upstairs and change my underwear if you don't stop it."
My face falls in an instant while she continues to grin at me, not knowing what she just did. How the hell am I supposed to think of anything else but her wet and glistening pussy when she says something like that? If we were alone in this place, I would fall to my knees and find out just how ready for me that pretty pussy of hers is.
"La cena è servita. Dinner is served," Giorgio says as he comes out of the kitchen holding two large dishes. "Follow me. We eat at the big table here."
I stand up and reach my hand out for Savannah. When she takes it, there's an electricity that buzzes between us. As soon as I see Giovanni come out of the kitchen, I move my hand to her lower back, feeling territorial.
Everyone sits down at the table—Teresa and Giorgio at the heads, Savannah and I next to each other, and Isabella and Giovanni opposite us.
"Everything looks and smells incredible," Savannah says as her eyes light up appreciatively at the center of the table.
"Grazie." Isabella smiles at Savannah, then looks at me. "So nice to have you here, Mr. Giannelli." She gives me a big smile, and I return it.
"Please, call me Luke," I tell her.
"Luke," she says to herself, her Italian accent thick.
We dig into the generous portions of delicious food. They made braciole as the main dish, which pairs very well with the wine. The conversation flows naturally at dinner as we talk about everything from the history of their family to how I got into the wine industry. Savannah dazzles them with her gushing about everything they do, from their food to their wine, the beauty of their land and villas.
She has them wrapped around her finger as she tells the story of her first experience with wine as a teenager. Apparently, she found one of her dad's bottles of expensive wine, not knowing that it was worth something, and stole it to bring to a party.
Needless to say, she has them all laughing as she animatedly explains her father’s reaction.
"And what did your mother think about all of this?" Teresa asks.
I see Savannah's face fall, only for a second, before she recovers. "My mother passed away when I was three. Cancer."
Teresa's voice breaks as she says, "Oh, bless you, my dear."
You can tell Teresa really feels for Savannah. Everyone at the table does, including myself. I reach for her hand under the table and give it a squeeze.
"It was a long time ago. It's okay," she says, trying to hide that the attention makes her uncomfortable.
"Well, thank you so much for a lovely evening. I think Savannah and I might just retire to our rooms. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."
"Can I help you clean up?" Savannah asks as she begins to pick up her plate.
A small smirk takes over my face, knowing what's to come. I've tried to offer my help before, so I know without a doubt that her offer will not be accepted.
"Assolutamente no. Absolutely not," Giorgio responds emphatically.
"Come on, let's go." I stand, swallowing a chuckle at how accurate I was, and put my hand out for hers. "Buona notte. Grazie per la cena. Thank you for dinner."
"Buona notte," they all reply together.
I keep Savannah's hand in mine as we walk up the steps together. The warmth of her hand connecting directly to my heart. I rub my chest as I try to dismiss the funny feeling.
A soon as we're standing outside of her room, she starts to release my hand, but instinct has me squeezing harder and pulling her close.